Sunday, February 3, 2019

Be Careful with Labels

snow covered mountain

Too many times we are quick to label something according to worldly perspectives, personal preferences, and human logic. We forget to consult the Word of God, and to allow it to serve as our only measuring rod for standards of right and wrong.

Many issues that are politically correct today are called sin according to Biblical Truth. Some expressions of praise, such as musical instruments and lifting holy hands, are labeled as Charismatic, when they are actually Biblically encouraged.

For instance, abortion is now a "woman's right", in contrast to murdering a child (Psalm 139:16-19). Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, rather than sexual perversion (Romans 1:27). Lifting up holy hands to God is called an "excess", instead of the accepted tradition (1 Timothy 2:8).

Also, drinking is considered a normal social custom, instead of realizing that it is a practice as bad as taking a viper into your own home (Proverbs 23:31-33). Sin is no longer called sin, but is labeled as a "choice" (Romans 1:28-31).

Those who prefer to practice Biblical admonitions are criticized, ostracized and accused of hate crimes and speech. This behavior is increasing as the world rejects God, the Bible and Jesus as the Savior and coming King.

The Believing church allowed worldly customs to lower and to influence our concepts and practice of Biblical standards. We criticize those who adhere to Biblical norms, and exalt those who disapprove of people who follow Biblical examples (Romans 1:32).

Paul, and also Peter, did not flaunt their behavior, but they were not afraid to reap the consequences of their convictions. When they were jailed for preaching the Word of God, an angel came and delivered the two men from prison (Acts 12:5-17, 16:16-40).

Daniel disobeyed the King's new decree, and continued to bow to and pray to Almighty God (Daniel 6:10-28). He was thrown into the lion's den, but God shut the lions' mouths and caused the King to exalt Daniel with a promotion.

Today, many authentic Believers are considered fanatics and jailed for their beliefs. What are we to do in a world such as ours? Paul said it best in Acts 5:29: "It is better to obey God than man."

Father God, You call Your people back to holy living, and You promise to bless us if we are humble enough to walk in Your ways, instead of in the popular worldly culture (2 Chronicles 7:14). You instructed Paul to teach us to consider if our behavior will make someone else stumble (1 Corinthians 8:13).

When called upon by Your Spirit to do so, we are blessed if we obey You (Acts 5:29). We may fear the consequences and repercussions of our behavior, but it is better to honor You, than to be swayed by what people say or to fear what people can do to us (Romans 8:31-39).

Thought for the Day:
God calls us to exalt His Word and to obey Him: obedience is a sign of respect and honoring the Lord; disobedience is consider a sin and idolatry, since it is based on looking good for people and dishonoring God.
- 1 Samuel 15:22