Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Knowing the Difference

Bokeh Photography of Yellow Flower

There is a difference between knowing about, believing in, and abiding in Christ. Most of humanity know about Jesus, what He did, and who He was. They usually call Him a great man, love personified, or a prophet.

Many people believe in Jesus and that He is God's Son, but they see no relevance between Him and their own life. Some of these join the church as a social club where they can serve their community and make friends.

However, even the demons believe and tremble (James 2:19). We may even give God a few minutes every day as we read a devotion, meditate on a verse, or read a few paragraphs in God's Word. Yet, we do not totally surrender to Him and do His will for us (Ephesians 2:10).

The road to intimacy with God is narrow, and very few find it (Matthew 7:13-14). We get convicted of our sins and pray a prayer, but we were never converted. The Holy Spirit never moved in to sanctify us (Romans 8:9).

Some of us are authentic Believers, and we want more of God in our life; but we do not understand the reality of the fact that, at Salvation, we already received all of God's Trinity. They live within us, but we usually ignore them or discount their conviction and direction.

Busyness and codependency prevent our communication with the Trinity. We over-schedule our calendar, volunteer for too many projects, and forget to seek God's will for each moment of our day and night. This is a secondary issue, however.

What we actually want is more intimacy with God. A closer walk such as Elijah and Enoch experienced. Then we live a life of fewer trials, and more supernatural blessings, which include consistent Martha Moments in which to serve Him and amazing Mary Miracles in which to praise Him (Luke 10:38-42).

Father God, You gave us negative emotions as red flags to signify that we are out of Your will for our life. We have some area where we are not caring for our self, for Your Kingdom or living in Your plans for us (Ephesians 2:10). In the center of Your will, Your peace, which transcends all human understanding, fills our heart and mind through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).

Focusing on Your love and promises for us will calm our soul, replace worry with faith in Your faithfulness, and enable us to look for the seed for a miracle, which You plant in every trial (Isaiah 30:18). We long for more intimacy with You, and trust You to teach us how to walk in obedience to You and to continually abide in Your presence.

Thought for the Day:
Intimacy with God is an all-consuming state of existence: We pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17-19), we wait on the Lord's timing and direction (Isaiah 40:31; Romans 8:25; Psalm 27:14), and we live, move and have our being in Christ alone (Acts 17:28).