Friday, February 15, 2019

Spirituality in the Details

Red Dahlia Flower

We relate to our physical world with our five senses. Also, our soul - including our emotions, instinct and intellect - requires times of leisure and recreation in order to maximize its effectiveness.

If our soul does not prosper, our body and spirit will suffer also (3 John 1:2). Yet, primarily focusing on fleshly, carnal aspects of life – even positive things such as our vocation, ministries, family and hobbies - causes us to lose our perspective.

The type of recreation and the amount of time and money we put into these activities determine whether or not we are catering to the flesh. Yet, if we focus on religious aspects of life, we may grow self-righteous and judgmental.

As we focus on God's will for each moment of our day, He will bring us into balance. We interact in the spiritual world through our spirit, which is Born Again at the moment of salvation. God desires that we carry our spirituality into every detail of our daily life (Colossians 3:17).

God works out His perfection in us, and He will lead us to live a healthy life in body, soul and spirit. He provides for all of our needs according to His glorious riches, and He even gives us comfort so that He can comfort others through us (2 Corinthians 1:4).

We can only develop true equilibrium in life when we obey the direction of the Spirit of God for each moment of our day. Not a legalistic, petty structure of religious works, but a fluid stream of God’s gifts and character flowing through us into the world around us.

Father God, You gave each of us gifts and talents (Romans 12:6; 1 Timothy 6:17); not for us to use them for our self, but so that You can use them for your glory through us. We do all things through the strength and energy You supply for us.

In this way, we cannot take any credit, but we will give you all of the glory and power forever and ever (Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Peter 4:10-11). Remind us that we are only consumed by our human nature if we refuse to allow You to reveal Christ in us according to Your good pleasure (Ephesians 1:9).

Thought for the Day:
If we trust in our own abilities and resources, we will fail; but as we step aside and allow God to bless others through us, we will prosper as well. 
- Proverbs 11:28