Sunday, February 17, 2019

It's Our Choice

Gray Rock Mountain

God gives us all of His blessings; even so, we often turn from them and from Him. We choose to live life through our own effort, so that we will gain the power and praise. We refuse to submit to the Spirit’s direction.

We choose to live our own way, and to compromise with the flesh, the world and the devil. This ruins our testimony to the world and diminishes our union with our Heavenly Father.

God encourages us to hold fast to His promises, to acquire His blessings, and to allow His Spirit to incorporate His fruit and gifts into our life. God beckons us to come to Him to find rest for our soul – our mind, will and emotions (Matthew 11:28-29).

He calls us to take up His yoke, so that He may bear the weight of our load. A yoke is not a torturous or restraining device, but an enabling tool - as long as we yield to God's will each moment of the day.

Abiding is one of the most beautiful words in the English language! It includes the concept of union, oneness, fullness, belonging, permanence, prevailing, resting and being made complete.

Our abiding life in Christ conjures up visions of sipping hot chocolate on a cold day, sitting on a porch in the spring to watch a stream roll by, luxuriating in a huge feather bed, floating on still waters, lying down in a field of flowers, having no lack in perfect comfort, etc.

Abiding in Christ actually does supply us with this combination of safety and provision, as well as a restored soul. His goodness and mercy pursue us all the days of our life (Psalm 23). In the heart of God we find safety, victory, peace, rest, unconditional love, acceptance and encouragement.

Father God, the longer we walk with You, the deeper we abide in Your rest. We feel complete in You, and experience Your intimate fellowship and enduring fulfillment. We have no hidden agendas or ulterior motives. We seek to please You and to further Your kingdom with our every thought, word and action.

We live in perfect rest as we relinquish our self to You. We choose to entirely surrender our life to Your management and care, Christ reigns supreme in every area of our life (Colossians 3:3-4). We live in undivided commitment to You with our whole spirit, soul and body. We simply rest in Your love, and abide in Your presence continually (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Thought for the Day:
Abiding happens gradually as we surrender more and more of our carnality to Christ’s divinity within us; abiding under the shadow of His wings (Psalm 91:1) allows us to experience complete peace and joy, which defies description and goes beyond our human understanding and reasoning.