Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Cleaning up Our Clutter

Purple Campanula Flowers Selective-focus Photography

When our soul is filled with inner clutter, and our home and schedule is inundated with outer clutter, it is all too overpowering for us. We cannot listen for God's voice, because it does not compete with our distractions.

God's voice cannot penetrate our cluttered awareness. Therefore, we clean house inside and out whenever our life fills with clutter and distractions. This helps to prevent our self from getting pulled in too many directions without any goals or purpose.

When we come to God, He strengthens and reinforces, with His mighty power and by His Holy Spirit's abiding presence within us, our innermost spirit and soul. Jesus makes His permanent home in us.

Then He deeply roots and securely plants us in His love (Ephesians 3:16-17). As we abide in His presence, we experience for our self the love of Christ, which far surpasses a casual knowledge.

He boldly and completely floods our entire being with the richest measure of His fullness and Divine nature (Ephesians 3:18-19). He totally immerses us in His presence within us - both now and throughout eternity.

In order to fill up with all of Jesus, we simply empty our self of our clutter, and simplify our life. We no longer allow the pressures and distractions of life to monopolize our attention, nor do we rush headlong through our day.

This allows us to live each moment in the love and joy of the Lord, and then to fall into a peaceful sleep each night. We start by taking the time to listen to His inner guidance as we meet with our Father all through the day and night.

Father God, remind us that when we feel Your peace leave us, to stop and pray in a quiet place. This allows us to focus our attention on our spirit, body and soul - our thoughts, choices and emotions - to get in touch with You in order to find out what disturbed our peace. Sitting quietly in Your presence allows You to conform us from the inside out.

Thank You for giving us clarity and healing, and then directing us back to the center of Your will for us at that moment. When we abide in the Vine, we allow Your Holy Spirit to lead us moment-by-moment throughout the day and night. Help us to simplify, to listen, to obey and to abide in Your presence.

Thought for the Day:
We always feel remorseful when we realize, too late, that we missed the guidance of God's Holy Spirit in some instance, and we also realize that we often miss out on success in our endeavors, because we did not listen to His still, small voice within us.