Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Tyranny of Anxiety

Lavender Field Under Gray and Blue Skies at Night

Human Beings tend to live in the paradigm of the finite mind. Our viewpoint about politically correct issues, stressful events, spiritual fervor, Biblical Truth, family, personal image, and lifestyle, reflect what we truly believe.

For many of us, change is a dirty word. We only enjoy the status quo; and we resent bumps in the road, unexpected twists and turns, or high mountains to climb. We want a level path; and we do everything in our power to preserve our equilibrium (Psalm 27:11).

If life throws a hairpin turn at us, we panic, get hysterical, succumb to anxiety, and take our stress out on those who love us. Sometimes, we live in a constant state of dread and hopelessness - treading water in a sea of overwhelming fear, resentment and anger.

Feeling shame over the past and fearing the future are two culprits behind these intense emotions. We fail to live in and enjoy the moment. We miss God's blessings, because we are too worried about upcoming events to notice God in the here and now.

I like to count my alphabet of blessings, when circumstances overwhelm me. I start with "aardvark" for "A", because that word always makes me laugh. As I move my way through the alphabet, I focus on God's love and current provision in my life.

By the time I reach the letter "m", peace is already flooding my soul; and my breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure slowed down. God's Spirit calms the troubled waters in my soul, Even though the circumstances are the same, I trust God to change them for my ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

Father God, thank You for our prayer warriors who can help us to carry our burdens to You and to leave them there. You gave us negative emotions to alert us when dangerous events are about to happen. Help us not to exacerbate those feelings with fear, negative thoughts and unfounded speculation; but to put our trust in You (Psalm 56:3; Proverbs 3:5-6).

We rely on Your Word and Your faithfulness to us in every situation throughout our lifetime. We praise You even in the bad times (1 Thessalonians 5:16-28); because when one chapter ends, You always have a new chapter for us to write with our life. We look forward to serving You, praying for those You place on our heart, and living in the center of Your will with each new day.

Thought for the Day:
As we rejoice in the Lord, we can continually pray about every situation that we face in life, giving thanks to God for keeping us in the center of His will for us; this helps us to hear His advice and guidance, to admire His provision, and to cling to His love and care for us as He floods us with His peace, and keeps us blameless and unspotted by the world.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:16:26; Ephesians 2:10