Monday, February 25, 2019

Living in Complete Victory

Orange Rose Bud Close-up Photography

We all go through rough times in this sin-cursed world ...rougher times, without the Lord Jesus in our life; but when we walk in obedience to God's perfect plan for each moment of our lifetime, we have fewer trials and HE goes with us through all of our issues.

We need nothing and no one else in life. At the moment of our salvation we receive His continual presence in our life through Jesus' shed blood. He fills our entire being: body, soul and spirit - with all of His fullness (Ephesians 3:16-19).

He loves nothing more than our complete trust in, obedience to, reliance upon, and devotion to Him each moment of our day. He is thrilled when we live, move and have our complete identity in Him (Acts 17:28). He rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).

God's Spirit fashions us into the Temple of the Living God (1 Corinthians 3:16), works tirelessly to transform our mind (Ephesians 4:23), and births in us the divine nature of Christ (2 Peter 1:3-4). As we invite Him to completely make His home in our spirit, His presence becomes dearer and nearer to us.

If our heart is divided, and we attempt to serve two Masters, this grieves God's Holy Spirit. We feel this divide to our very core, and we have a decision to make. Will we and our house serve only the Lord today and always (Joshua 24:15)?

God is able to do more in the life of a dedicated child, than He can in a rebellious life. His blessings for us are above and beyond anything we can imagine. We are so thrilled with Him, that we overflow with gratitude, and give Him the glory due His name (Ephesians 3:20-21).

We decrease so that He may increase within us (John 3:30). He purifies us of the dross of sin and gives us a deeper glimpse of His love for us (1 John 3:1-3). He also gives us hope and blessings for a secure future in Him (Jeremiah 29:11).

Father God, the fact that Christ abides within us by Your Spirit is at once amazing and unbelievable, until we begin to experience the true peace and joy of Your intimate presence in our life. We attempt to obey Your Spirit's guidance for each moment of our day, and we see Your hand in our life when we do.

We look forward to serving You for eternity and for seeing You face-to-face. We thank You that in eternity the Believer will no longer suffer the ills of this earthly tent in which we now live (2 Corinthians 5:1). Having a pain-free, immortal body is something to which we look forward. We love You with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30).

Thought for the Day:
No lasting endeavor is ever fully accomplished unless it is part of God's perfect plan for us in this moment of time; living in the center of God's will depends on total surrender, which leads to total dependence, and results in complete victory.