Sunday, February 10, 2019

For the Glory of God

parson walking near cafe during winter

Many people have a tendency to look at life with an all or nothing attitude. We think that to enjoy the features of living on this earth is to be earthly-minded; and to pray, read the Bible and do Christian work is to live a holy, spiritually-minded life.

We often attempt to perfect our self by giving up what we consider worldly pursuits. Although there is some truth to working out our salvation (Philippians 2:12), the reality is that God created all good things for us to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17).

The perfecting process belongs to the Spirit of God (Philippians 2:12-13). If we try in the flesh to perfect our self, all we have is more flesh! God put us on this diverse and beautiful planet so that all of creation would point us to Him (Romans 1:20).

As we enjoy creation, we see His glory and majesty surrounding us. God gifts us and uses our talents in music, mechanics, giving, art, engineering, caring, teaching, technology, preaching, serving, etc. for His glory.

God cares about every aspect of our life. We actually balance out these earthly pursuits with a spiritual mind as we do them all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). We are simply the container from which God pours out His Spirit on everyone around us.

The spiritual world is intangible and invisible, but God’s love and truth flow generously from a spirit connected to God though Christ. When we live with a balanced body, soul and spirit, we successfully navigate through life.

Father God, You supply us with the spiritual resources to perform supernatural feats as we interact in our daily activities with family, church, vocation and community. When the love we feel for our fellow mankind springs from our love for You and from You, our love is more committed and unconditional.

You call us to walk in a different dimension than unsaved humanity. Remind us that our values and purpose are centered on Your Kingdom. We want to daily contemplate Your goodness, majesty, power, mercy, love, wisdom, justice and sovereignty as we give You the praise and honor due to Your name.

Thought for the Day:
Perfecting our self is an unachievable goal, but as insecure humans, we constantly strive for flawlessness; however, accepting our self with all of our hang-ups, habits, idiosyncrasies and imperfections is the most freeing exercise we will ever perform, and it gives God permission to perfect us from the inside out.