Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Reliable Love of the Lord



The steadfast, reliable, unconditional love of the Lord never ever ceases. His offer of mercy never expires (Lamentations 3:22-24). His love and grace are never weary of our errant thoughts or words or actions, and He endlessly reaches out to us to join Him in a more intimate union each moment of every day (Psalm 100:5).


In fact, every new morning provides us with a fresh flow of His mercy and grace – even though we do not deserve it and we have not earned it. We could never do anything good enough to justify God giving us His mercy or His love. They are His free gifts, provided by His compassion and generous love for the entire world, generation after generation (John 3:16-18). 


God’s faithfulness deserves our trust and faith. Once we realize this fact, we have more hope and confidence in His eternal love. This gives us the courage to turn over the control of our life completely to His safekeeping (Proverbs 3:5-6). We submit each moment of our day to Him for His direction and wisdom.


Our soul – our thoughts, feelings and choices – gradually learns to submit to His perfect plans for us. This enables us to walk in His Spirit, and the issues and aspects of each day flow more smoothly and our efforts are more uncomplicated. This brings us fulfillment like nothing this earth can ever provide.


We are never more blessed than when we finally realize that we can simply and fluently follow God’s direction. This allows us to experience total success in all of our labors and time spent. This fact encourages us to continually wait on the Lord and not to make our own goals or to rush ahead to accomplish them.


We do not make our own plans and then expect God to bless them. Neither do we fulfill the desires of our flesh, because we walk in His Spirit instead. Holiness and obedience become the focus of our desires, rather than carnal pursuits (John 14:15-31; Galatians 5:15-25).



Father God, when we wonder what Your will is for us, Your Word gives us clear direction: 

·      Rejoice always, 

·      pray without ceasing,  

·      give thanks in every circumstance – good or bad 

·      allow Your Spirit to sanctify us, so we can avoid the destruction and devastation of unrighteous living

·      give You the freedom to work in us what is pleasing to You 

·      to love mercy, to act morally, and to humbly walk with You

(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, 4:3; Hebrews 13:20-21; Micah 6:8). 


This is such good advice, and these verses help us to enter into Your rest and to hang out with the Vine of Christ Jesus, as Your Spirit fills us with Your life-giving sustenance. This fruit-producing sap yields Your fruit in and through our life (Galatians 5:22-23). Your compassion forgives our iniquity, and Your mercy keeps You from destroying us in our tracks (Psalm 78:38, 103:10). You never send judgment unless You give us fair warning first; sometimes, even for years ahead of time so that we can repent (Genesis 6:3), 


Thought for the Day:

It is the Lord’s benevolence and compassion that save us in our iniquity, because He is a gracious, patient and merciful God; and in His abundant mercy and truth, He does not consume us or fail us for even one moment in time.

- Psalm 77:8, 78:38, 86:15; Nehemiah 9:31