Wednesday, January 13, 2021

We Do Not Fear Death

Green and Pink Leaf Tree in Green Grass Open Field during Day Time


What is there about the afterlife that causes us to fear death? We do everything possible and experience the most excruciating pain in order to prolong our life on this earth. One of my best friends attempted to “beat cancer” six times in a span of a few years, only to lose complete use of her joints, destroyed by the cancer treatments.


She died of cancer the seventh time her body activated its cancer cells, because she had no fight left in her. She finally accepted God’s ticket to her heavenly reward, and she “folded her tent and went on to the house” that God had ready for her in Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:1).


The truth is that Jesus destroyed death’s hold over us. As authentic Believers, we never face death; we simply pass through the portal of life on this earth, to the joys waiting for us in Heaven. We fall asleep and our body goes to the grave, but our soul and spirit pass immediately from this life to the physical presence of Jesus in Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:8).


God rejoices over the death of His Saints, because He gets to embrace us and welcome us to His home in Heaven. We have no need to fear death and to rely on human ideals, capabilities, or schemes to prolong our life. We are free to go to Heaven when God is calling us home (Psalm 116:15).


In Christ, we abandon self-centered living, and follow God’s plan for our life on this earth (Ephesians 2:10). Jesus gave us His example as He demonstrated to us how He faced the most agonizing death anyone has ever had to suffer. 


Then, because of the Spirit of God within us, we can surrender to death with joy in our heart as we eagerly anticipate seeing Jesus at the same moment that we take our last breath of oxygen on this earth. We continue on into eternity in a new realm that is free of sorrow, pain and suffering forever.



Father God, You filled this earth with beauty, truth, love, goodness and fruitfulness for us to enjoy. It does not compare with Your original concept of Paradise in which You initially wanted us to exist; but it does have beauty in the midst of the degradation of sin perpetuated by satanic influences and the heart of evil people.


Thank You for traversing this life with us and in us, filling us with Your Spirit, caring for us and meeting all of our needs. Strengthen our inner being (Ephesians 3:16), so that we can realize our sinful state, repent of our sin that separates us from You, and then we can enjoy Your intimate presence within us and Your abundance in our life dedicated to You.


Thought for the Day:

At salvation, God invades our life with His Godhead and makes us complete in Him, as He fulfills us by His presence within us; there is no issue that we experience that can separate us from God, and no formula to make Him love us more that He already does; the only aspect that changes from glory to glory is our intimate union with the Trinity of God within us.

- Colossians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 3:18