Saturday, January 23, 2021

Uncovering the Roots of Discontentment


Photography of Table And Chairs Near Plants


So many in our world are discontent and discouraged. We set goals for our life and sink into depression when we do not reach them. We strive to reach success in this life through worldly channels rather than spiritual ones that deepen our union with the Trinity of God within us.


Selfish ambition and pride drive us to take on more busyness than our soul can support, which affects us spiritually and physically as well. We live with disappointment, frustration and egocentric ambitions that we never achieve, or that are fleeting at best. 


Ambitions are like a house of cards, ready to collapse at the slightest breeze of adversity. We strive for success, but often feel neglected, unappreciated, criticized unjustly, disregarded and overlooked. We end up like a hamster on a circular wheel, running madly, yet never getting anywhere or accomplishing anything of value through our continual efforts.


A wounded soul, unrealized dreams, unsatisfied desires, and vain attempts at success and financial soundness are what we reap from what we sow in our own efforts. We have no inner peace, and we cannot find any rest for our weary body and soul.  


We lose patience with those who love us most, and we build walls of resentment that fence them out of our life. We alienate our support system and end up lonely, unsuccessful and afraid. We respond with the fruit of human disappointment: bitterness, cynicism, anger, harshness, and rudeness. 


As authentic Born Again Believers, we respond to life and people with the fruit of the Spirit: patience, love, goodness, joy, gentleness, self-control, kindness, peace and meekness (Galatians 5:22-23). The fruit of the Spirit is one key to success in this life. 


There is nothing or anyone who can defeat us if we focus on these positive attributes rather than on worldly success and pursuits. They enable us to enter God’s rest and to enjoy His peace that supersedes anything this world can help us to attain (John 14:27-31).



Father God, we want to stop spinning our wheels and to start to make traction on the way up the mountain of life by listening to Your Spirit’s direction for each moment of our day. Jesus gave us the formula for success when He told us to be as a little child, rather than to continually strive to be the greatest (Matthew 18:1-5). Teach us that increasing the depth of our union with You is the best way to find contentment in this life.


Remind us that Solomon asked You for wisdom rather than for riches, and he received it all as a gift from Your hand. His proverbs give us skill for living, and we benefit from what he learned from his lifetime on this earth. Your Word divulges reams of pages full of heavenly wisdom and spiritual truth. Help us to develop times of regular feasting on its contents. We love You with our whole heart and trust in You to work out Your perfect plans for our life.


Thought for the Day:

When we pursue God’s peace, rather than worldly success and acclaim, we stop worrying about the mundane issues of this life and we enter into God’s rest; therefore, humbling our self before the Lord gives us the gateway into His rest and peace.