Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Foundations of the Faith

Read: 2 Peter 1:5-8

“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” - 2 Peter 1:3

As a new Christian, I wanted to skip the milk of God's Word (Hebrews 5:12) and to move right along to the meat. I wanted to hurry through the first principles of truth, so that I could wade into the deeper truths of the Kingdom of God. God slowed me down, however. He showed me that I had to grow in grace and wisdom by first getting a good, solid spiritual foundation based on the basic doctrines of our faith (Colossians 1:9).

In these studies, I learned that I secured my salvation by repenting of the dead works of sin and putting all of my trust in Christ. I made a public profession of what happened in my heart by getting baptized. I started the discipline of daily Bible reading and prayer. I found a church in which to learn and to grow and to fellowship with other Believers. Then I started telling others about what Christ did for me. I also learned how much God loves me and that He has a perfect plan for my life. Little did I know that these simple truths would see me through some rough times ahead.

After this, I started listening to the Holy Spirit's promptings on a daily basis. I learned to discern which thoughts He planted in my mind, and which came from Satan or human reasoning. I started teaching little children the truths of God Word. Then, years later, God started using me to mentor younger women and to encourage people in all walks of life.

Now, I thank God for that solid foundation. It saw me through the trials of losing all of my worldly goods more times than I care to count, of being rejected by my husband and daughter, of having to support myself after 22 years of marriage, of meeting a new husband with young children, and of changing ministries and homes twice since then. No matter what life throws at me, the storms never affect my spiritual house, however, because it was built long ago upon the bedrock of Jesus Christ.

Lord, help me to continue to grow in Your grace and to never fail to show love to those You bring my way. Help me to ensure that new Believers receive the same solid footing in the doctrines of our faith that I did, so that they too may withstand any storm life brings their way.
Thought for the Day:
Salvation is just the beginning of a wondrous journey with God.