Saturday, February 25, 2012

Incorruptible Beauty!

Read: 1 Peter 3:3-6

When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything she says.”- Prov 31:26 (TLB)

Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors. I love the “old world” charm of her characters, as well as the Victorian styles and picturesque settings of her stories. Her heroes are either heart-stopping cavaliers or stalwart gentry. As she weaves her plot, it turns out that both of these type of gentlemen are more attracted to the allurement of the kind, generous and sweet spirit of her heroines than to the flashy women with outer beauty and adornment.

In the Bible, the apostle Peter tried to tell the women of his day not to be overly concerned about their outward beauty. He counsels them not to use exquisite jewelry, expensive clothes, or elaborate hair arrangements to attract attention (1 Peter 3:3). Instead, he advised them, and us, to concentrate on exhibiting beautiful character in our hearts. He recommends, from the male perspective, that lasting charm radiates more from a sweet character than from matching outfits, worldly success or precious gems.

Similar to Louisa May Alcott’s characters, this deep inner beauty is also evident in many of the saintly women of Biblical renown. They trusted God and fit in with their husbands' plans (1 Peter 3:1). “Fitting in with our husband’s plans” is a foreign concept in today’s society. However, true fulfillment for a woman does not necessarily come from a successful career, or from amassing worldly goods, or from traveling the earth or even from going to the moon in a spacecraft, but from fulfilling God’s destiny for our life.

For some it is as a wife and mother, and for others it is as a single woman who is free to follow the Lord to the ends of the earth or to stay right here at home and to serve Him with all of their hearts. The key to contentment and accomplishment  for both single and married women is to have a soul filled with Godly character and to follow His Spirit’s leading in our lives.

Lord, help me to value Godly character more than silver and gold. Put a guard on my tongue, so that I do not ever speak from frustration or anger, but always with humility and kindness. Help me to let go of my own agenda for my life and to find my fulfillment by following Your Spirit moment by moment throughout the day. For I know from experience that true joy comes from serving You with all of my heart.

The incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit is very precious in the sight of God. - 1 Peter 3:4