Saturday, February 4, 2012

How to Feel God's Love

(P.S. If you did not read the prior blog with the dandelion photo, read that one first. Then this one will make even more sense.)

What if You Do Not Feel the Love of God?

Every human being can find fulfillment in the love of God. We do not need to depend on other people for our validation. What if you do not feel the love of God; how can you feel it? There is no path to follow, or certain steps to take to earn God’s love. His love is a free gift.

One way to feel God’s love for you is to feel love for God. God longs for us to love Him in complete surrender, without any limits or hesitation. Surrender means to give up, to relinquish, to yield and to capitulate. There is no self-effort involved in surrendering. Surrender is actually the opposite of control. It means to sit back, throw up your hands and give up all of your control to God.

So, how do we connect with God? It is quite simple, really. Begin each day by sitting at His feet, loving Him and learning from Him. Still the chaos in your body and soul - your thoughts and emotions. Take your focus off of the demands of your day and talk to God about your cares and concerns, listen to Him as He instructs you with His wisdom, read His Word and meditate on what you read, praise Him for His work in your life and wait on Him.

The Gospels tell us two commandments that are considered the greatest of them all. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”; and then, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30 and Matthew 22:37). Jesus tells us how to love the Lord completely and unreservedly; then He gives us two commands in one phrase: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Love is more than a feeling. It is also an action. Once we love God, we turn this same spiritual love towards our self and everyone He brings into our lives. Jesus points out in this phrase that there is no way we can love other people if we do not first love our “self”. I am not referring to self-centered, selfish love, but to regarding our “self” as having worth and value in Christ, because God and Christ first loved us.

God’s unconditional love is constant and it makes room for mistakes. Once we see our self as God sees us, then we can love our self as He loves us. Only then can we love others in the same way. God did not spare Himself for us and He longs for the same total commitment from us toward Him.

God desires for us to eagerly and unreservedly throw ourselves into His waiting arms, to give up control of our lives and to completely surrender our life to His will for us. In return, we enter into a union with the supreme ruler of the universe who takes up residence within us. God gave us His all, and He wants all of us. The smallest hesitation on our part wounds Him deeply.

One of the biggest hindrances to our love for the Lord and to us feeling His love for us is the “idols” in our life, which we cling to so desperately. Initially, you may not even recognize them; however, as you sit quietly before the Lord in prayer, He will make you aware of them.

An idol is anything that comes between you and your worship of God. They come by many different names: success, independence, materialism, a particular person and busyness name just a few. A friend pointed out to me that self-reliance is one of the largest idols in many lives. Once we relinquish each of them to God, we experience complete surrender.

As you leave this sacred place of daily quiet time with God and enter into the routine of your busy life, continue communing with God throughout your day and night. God never, ever leaves us (Hebrews 13:5). He never slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:4). His grace enables us to successfully meet all of life’s demands as we accomplish them in Jesus’ name (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Lord Jesus, as we come to truly know You, we find a warm, committed relationship growing between us that is built on faith and trust. You prove to us all day long that You love us. Help us to do the same for You. Thank You for giving Your life on the cross as a ransom to pay the debts we owe. Help us to walk worthy of Your love as we live in Your Spirit.

Thought for the Day:
God spends every second of His time showering us with abundant love. We just have to take time to notice it. It is not enough just to know that God loves you. It is a gift to be felt continually, moment-by-moment as we walk in His presence and act on that love throughout the day.