Monday, February 20, 2012

Pleasures Forevermore

Read: Ecclesiastes 2:10-11

“I have seen all the things that are done under the sun;
all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” - Ecclesiastes 1:14

KinKKing Solomon spent his time, wealth
and efforts attempting to discover the missing piece in his life.
He sought for true satisfaction in worldly pursuits.
As the King, he had all the resources he needed to ascertain
whatever pleasures he desired.
In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon tells us the story of his quest. He attempted to gain
 satisfaction in his soul by pursuing
addictions of every kind.

Even with all of his God given wisdom, it took Solomon years to concluded that what the world offers is fun for a season, but eventually every one of his acquisitions turned out the same way. They were all vain and empty. Solomon repeatedly described his investigation as chasing after the wind. He traveled the world to find out what the Psalmist discovered on the hills watching his sheep, “God makes known to us the true path of life; in His presence there is fullness of joy; at His right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11).

When we seek God first, He brings fulfillment to our life in a multitude of areas. He opens doors for us that no one else can open and He closes those that no one else can close. He knows exactly what we need in our life to feel fulfilled. Therefore, our initial pursuit in life is to first become whole in Christ. Then we get grounded in His Word, filled with His Spirit and lost in His love. We need nothing and no one to make us happy apart from Him.

Single people are not "half" a person, nor are they deficient in any way. They do not need another person in their life to fulfill them. They are capable of meeting most of their needs and going to God to supply the rest. Oh the other hand,
when two people who are replete in Christ (Colossians 2: 10) come together in marriage, they
compliment and edify each other
because Christ resides in both of them. They serve Him together and they fulfill His will for their lives. Our relationship with Christ is what really bring us true pleasures forevermore.

Lord Jesus, earthly pursuits are vain and fleeting. Teach us to value eternal treasures and to seek Your will for our lives each and every day. Help us to make You the focus of our life and to enhance all of our relationships through your wisdom and love.

Thought for the Day:
Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow. – Psalm 144:4