Monday, February 27, 2012

The Lord Will Repay You!

Read: Matthew 6:31-34

“Remember, the Lord will pay you for each good thing you do, whether you are slave or free.”-Eph 6:8 (TLB)
“I wonder if I should get a job! We could really use the income, but I do not have any more time in my day!” Have you ever had this conversation? I have, and God answered me!

He reminded me that He is the source of our income. Sure, we may work for a company, but God gave us that job. That company may fire you or reduce your salary at any moment, therefore, we cannot trust in people to supply our needs. God tells us not to worry one bit about having enough to eat or clothes for our body. He will supply our needs.

If we concern ourselves with earthly matters like having a bigger, newer home or a fancier car or the newest electronic gadget, we are no better than carnal people, who take pride in their possessions (Psalm 49:16-17, Proverbs 23:4-5). God knows exactly what we need and is very capable of supplying them for us as we put His Kingdom’s work on the top of our priority list.

Are you stuck in a dead-end job? Is monotony stripping your soul of its joy? Do you feel like your work is but a tiny drop in the giant scheme of life? If we follow the will of God for each of the moments of our day, we can be assured that He has a purpose for us in it all. Although we may not see the difference we are making now, in eternity we will reap the rewards, as long as we do not get discouraged and give up now (Matthew 6:19-21).

Many people work for a boss and do as little as possible after they clock into the job. However, God exhorts us not to work hard only when the boss is watching and then goof off the rest of the time. God wants us to cheerfully work hard all the time, because He is our real employer. The Bible promises, “A workman is worthy of his hire” (Luke 10:7). If we are faithful to labor as unto the Lord, we can trust that He will provide for all our needs.

Lord, help me to trust You to supply all my needs. Remind me that You know where or even if I should work. Help me to do my best at whatever You give me to do.

Thought for the Day:
Do not be anxious, God will take care of all of your tomorrows too.