Friday, May 12, 2017

A Good Marriage-Clinging Together

Path Through Forest Trees

Little foxes of disagreement move into our marriage all the time. They burrow deeply in the recesses of our mind and emerge now and then when they are disturbed.

They creep in with conflict in the areas of: finances, careers, children, addictions, housekeeping, television preferences, habits, little inconsiderations, etc.

Occasionally they ravage our soul and cause us to feel discouraged, disgruntled, disillusioned, depressed, angry, exasperated or just plain ready to bury our head in the covers and give up. This is a sad state of affairs.

Rather than stuffing negative feelings inside to cause problems later, it is possible to cleanse our soul of these little foxes and to persevere in our marriage by logically talking about them as they arise.

God's Spirit enables us to communicate with love in our heart for one another. We cherish each other and desire to keep one another from feeling hurt due to our frustration. He gives us hope for a new tomorrow devoid of these little foxes (Song of Solomon 2:15).

We face the unknown aspects of the future with more joy in our heart when we do not allow the dross of our past (individual and joint past) to weigh us down.

Hope in Christ saves us, even when we can see no solution for our issues, especially when we wait on Him together with a persevering attitude (Romans 8:24-25).

We lay our life, our preferences, our goals, our solutions and our plans down for one another, even making sacrifices for the greater good of our family, until we come to a mutual agreement about any disagreements.

When we go the extra mile for one another, it puts feet to our love and increases our affectionate feelings for each other. It shows our spouse that what they consider to be important is important to us as well.

Father God, help us to resolve any conflicts lingering between us, so the little foxes do not spoil our relationship. We do not pray for You to change our spouse, but to change us instead. Give us the fruit of Your Spirit so that we can love one another with Your agape love. Remind us that when we pray together, we learn more about one another and how to communicate better with each other.

We promised on our wedding day to endure in our marriage until death. Teach us to love and honor each other as we love and honor You. Help us to pass down to our children the example and the ability to persevere through trials. Teach us to treat each other with kindness and preference all the days of our life together.

Thought for the Day:
A kind person is patient above all else in addition to being gentle, generous and caring; Christ in us will teach us kindness and give us ideas for generous actions, considerate behavior and encouraging words for one another - especially when our soul does not feel like it.