Friday, May 5, 2017

Mindfulness in the Moment - Part 2 - New Physical Habits

White Blooming Flower Under the Tree during Daytime

Living in the moment also has physical blessings. It improves our memory, immune system, nerve pain receptors, mood, heart statistics, hormones, blood sugar numbers, sleep, muscle tension, etc. We worry less and trust God more.

One healthy habit, which most of us can cultivate, is that of drinking more filtered water. The process of filtering removes most of the chemicals from each drop. By consuming fewer or no soda, juice and caffeinated drinks, we also eliminate harmful toxins from our diet.

New exercise programs are a plus too. Even if we exercise for ten minutes three times a day, this will give us valuable health benefits and improve our mood and emotions by increasing our endorphins.

Do something that is fun to you…not something that is just another chore that must be endured. I love to dance with the Lord as I do household chores…this is especially easy when I dust with my Swiffer dusting tools. I put praise songs on my music apparatus or hum them in my mind and dance with the Lord (2 Samuel 6:14).

Many of us breathe in quick, shallow breaths. This causes hyperventilation, anxiety, and jolts of adrenaline and cortisol to affect our health. If we take the time to breathe more deeply, we readily relax, feel more peaceful, lower our blood pressure and promote more oxygen and energy to our body.

Cutting out all sugar and white flour from our diet will reduce the amount of diseases that we would normally be more susceptible to if we consume more artificial ingredients and prepackaged meals. This does not rule out "sweets"; just use Stevia instead of sugar.

Eating fresh organic foods and grass-fed meat, wild caught fish and free range chicken and eggs will remove toxins and poisons from our diet too. This eliminates many toxic grains from our diet and will result in a glowing body that resists diseases and gives us more energy to follow God's plan for our life.

Taking care of our Body is vitally important for how much we can accomplish for God's Kingdom. He has a plan for our life. At the end of our days, we want to hear Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Father God, You know exactly what our body needs to function optimally. You also know how hard it is to develop self-control in so many areas of life. We are often addicted to sweets, bread and salty foods; and we find it hard to lay them on Your altar. Give us Your supernatural strength to eat right in order for us to stay fit until You are finished with our life in this natural world.

Remind us to develop habits of regular exercise to increase our strength and flexibility, portion control, proper sleep, live in gratitude in our heart, to give our worries to You and to spend time with our supportive family and friends. Help us to laugh more, because cultivating a cheerful heart is healthy for both our body and soul (Proverbs 17:22).

Thought for the Day:
By increasing our physical activity, we ensure that our body will function more optimally and keep us in better health; try a variety of venues until you find one that you really enjoy.