Monday, May 22, 2017

A Life of Contentment

Free stock photo of light, road, landscape, nature

Living life with a carnal perspective robs us of the true joy of walking in the Spirit. Last week, our GPS ran out of bars and we were stranded in the country without directions.

Just before we gave up the hope of arriving at our destination and drove back the way we came, we prayed and followed God's peace in our spirit. God gave my husband recall of the name of one of the streets on which we were to turn, and we did.

After many miles of praying and following God's peace, we finally were able to stop at the first retail store we found to ask directions. The proprietor was a long time resident of the area and confirmed that we were on the right road.

It turned out that the Holy Spirit led us to within a few blocks of our destination; and we were able to complete the reason for our trip successfully. It warmed our hearts to see God work on our behalf in such a practical way.

With His Spirit directing us, we never lose our connection like we did with our GPS. The world is tentative at best; but when we live to do the will of God, we live in contentment (1 John 2:17).

When God is in control of our life, we find fulfillment and success. We seek His direction for each moment of our day, and He directs our path (Proverbs 3:5-6). He works out everything for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

We learn contentment at His feet and trust Him in the bad times as well as the good (Philippians 4:12). We serve Him without compromise and reap the rewards of a faithful life.

Father God, it was a miracle in the making as we watched in awe while Your Spirit directed our path in that very practical way. Rather than return home without completing our purpose, we returned home with two freezer shelves full of grass-fed beef that I need to sustain my chemical free diet.

I can never thank You enough for caring so much about me that You gave me yet another "birthday month" gift. You are our true love, and we trust in You with every aspect of our life in body, soul and spirit. Continue to give us Your divine appointments so that we can lead others to enjoy this same spirit-directed life.

Thought for the Day:
When the world's ways fail us, God's ways are always true and righteous all together. - Psalm 145:17