Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Grace and Goodness of the Lord

White Lilac in Bloom

Perfectionism is a Satanic trap to drive us into insanity. If we can never measure up to the ethereal standard we think we must attain, then we live under the shadow of the devil's condemnation (Romans 8:1-2).

If instead, we walk by the direction of God's Spirit each moment of the day, He will lead us toward perfection, even as God is perfect. We ignore the devil's accusations, even though he is walking around like a lion ready to pounce on us (1 Peter 5:8).

Enoch walked with God during His lifetime on this earth, and one day God took Him home with Him to Heaven. Enoch enjoyed constant fellowship with our Lord while he lived on this earth, and he did not experience physical death (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5).

We can follow Enoch's example by living in the presence of God regardless of our circumstances. Our trials and temptations are opportunities to honor Christ with our life and to bring Him glory (1 Peter 1:7; John 9:1-4).

Christ crucifies our soul through sanctification; He is our whole life. He lives within us and we are dead to this world, our flesh and the devil (Galatians 2:15-25; Colossians 3:3-4).

When we live by our convictions (Romans 5:1-5), we have a better chance of pleasing God with our faithfulness. We trust in the wisdom of Christ within us, rather than relying on our own human reasoning. We stand strong and overcome, coming out of the fire as pure gold (Job 23:10; Philippians 2:12-13; 1 Corinthians 10:13).

Father God, with You residing within us, and by the power of Your Holy Spirit, we do not have to give in to the temptation to sin. Help us to be vigilant in times of temptation to see Your provision for our way of escape. Keep us from choosing to sin and help us always to choose righteous thoughts, words and deeds instead.

Thank you for dwelling within us and giving us the goal of walking in sinless perfection. We want to intimately dwell with You now and in eternity. As the called according to Your purpose, we trust in Your grace, goodness and faithfulness to us, and to Your promise to work out everything - even suffering and death - for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

Thought for the Day:
A life of sinless perfection is achieved, one moment at a time; living a life of holiness is our tribute to Christ for the sacrifice He paid by becoming a man and dying on the cross in our place.