Monday, May 29, 2017

Living in the Moment - God's Ultimate Purpose

Clear Water

The good thing about living in the moment is that once the moment passes, it is gone forever! Each moment is a gift from God - even the negative ones - and walking in God's will for each minute is our gift back to God.

Scripture has many references to the topic of God's Will for us: giving thanks, knowing God and Jesus whom He sent, living a holy life which is set apart from sin.

God also has a specific will for each of us (Ephesians 2:10). As we obediently align each moment of our day with His will, He leads us in the way we should go - even inspiring our activities and which road to take to get there.

The key to walking in all of the fruit of God's Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) is patience. I'm learning that when we finally walk in patience, we will exhibit all of the Holy Spirit's fruit.

We wait on the Lord and follow His perfect timing and way so that we can rise on eagle's wings, run and not get weary and walk in His paths and not get faint in doing good (Isaiah 40:31).

God reveals to us His ultimate purpose for our life one moment at a time. We come to a revelation of the true meaning of eternal life, realizing that it starts for us at the moment of our salvation and continues on throughout eternity (1 Timothy 6:11-12).

Thankfully, Jesus is the Vine and God grafted us to that Vine when we humbled our self and called out to Him for salvation (John 15:4). When we realized our depravity and our need for a Savior, we came to Christ and received the fullness of His life, fruit, wisdom and strength in addition to eternal rewards (John 15:8).

 We totally trust in God's goodness, direction, provision, love, joy and peace through every moment of our day. He conforms us the divine nature and image of His Son (Romans 8:29) as we totally surrender to His will for us.

Father God, You call each of us to live with thankful hearts and to wait on You each moment of our day. We sing songs of gratitude and praise, read Your Word and grow and mature spiritually and follow the direction of Your Spirit in order to walk in Your ways.

There is no scenario in our life that would prevent us from walking in Your will for us. Even if we lose our ability to walk, talk, see or hear, we can live a life of praise and prayer. We rejoice regardless of the trials we face, because Your entire Trinity abides within us. We praise You with every breath we take.

Thought for the Day:
Viewing our life from God's perspective frees us from unrealistic expectations of Him that are obviously not His perfect will for us; they may be our desires, but if He is not providing them, they are not His will for us in this moment of time.