Saturday, May 27, 2017

Our Primary Focus

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God calls us to live each moment of our day in His presence, carrying out His will, walking by the direction of His Spirit and luxuriating in His peace, joy and abundant love.

Whenever we walk in God's presence, He goes with us and He offers us His rest (Exodus 33:14). We have His presence resident with us, but we usually forget that He abides within us; so we do our own thing and work "for" Him.

This is when we experience stress, anxiety, and debilitating fears and anger over what is demanded of us each day. Instead, God calls us to allow Him to work "through" us and to accomplish His will "in" and "by" us.

We focus on Christ in us and we replicate Christ in the world around us. The things of this life are no longer our priority and our whole reason for living is to advance the Kingdom of God here in this world (Galatians 2:20).

As God leads us, we work in the vocation to which He calls us - whether preacher, mechanic, school teacher, sales associate, etc. - we do it all for His glory rather than our own (1 Corinthians 10:31).

We live in continual prayer, asking for His direction for our thoughts, words and actions (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). His faith in us empowers us to accomplish everything that He calls us to do (Galatians 2:20).

His yolk is not burdensome and full of rules and regulations (Mathew 11:30). He writes His law on our heart, so we will no longer live as slaves to sin or reap its destruction in our life (Psalm 119:11).

God gives us His peace, joy, rest and love; humbles our heart; and blesses us with every good and perfect gift (James 1:17; Matthew 11:28-29). As we relinquish all of our worries and cares to Him, His peace guards our body, soul and spirit (Philippians 4:6-7).

Father God, You have mercy on us because of Your unconditional love and great compassion. You erase the effects of our past sin in our life and You heal us from its recurrent influence over our life. You wash us clean of the shame, which Satan heaped on us to keep us a prisoner of his kingdom. You purified us from the hold of guilt and devastation, which sin had on our life (Psalm 51:1-2).

The spiritual battle in which the devil engages us, once we turn our life over to You, is a trial at times. However, as we trust in You alone, You send Your angels to keep guard over us and to deliver Your answers to our prayers (Psalm 91:11-12: Daniel 10). You give us all good things to enjoy. For this we give You all of the glory and all of our praise both now and for eternity.

Thought for the Day:
When we totally surrender our will and aspirations to God's, we reap His continual blessings each moment of our life; because we are no longer citizens of this world alone, but we are citizens of heaven and we lay up our treasure there rather than in this world, which is doomed to destruction.
 - Matthew 6:20