Sunday, May 7, 2017

Green Growing Things

Pink Petal Flower

Today, God gave me another spiritual revelation that healed me from a bad attitude about not having the landscape around me full of green growing things this year during the winter months like I did in Southwest Florida for twenty years.

Prior to living in SWFL, I lived in PA for eight years, I got used to cold and wearing layers of clothing; so this winter in Illinois, I used the same strategies to stay warm.

I also made kaleidoscopes while in PA to have color in the winter. This was to prevent Seasonal Affectedness Disorder (SAD); and I used them here, to my soul's delight, this year as well.

But, this year, the Lord also told me to look for the beauty in the bare branches of the trees, and I saw many interesting and beautiful designs in the barren branches - very delightful patterns and flowing movement.

Although it is spring now and green growing things surround us, today the Lord gave me another lesson through a botany site online, for the reason for bare limbs in the winter months.

The unobstructed sun reaches the forest floor when the canopy of trees shed their leaves in the fall and stay bare all winter. Other plants that thrive in the winter can take advantage of the direct, unobstructed sunlight during this frigid time of the year.

Similarly, during times of trials in our life, when circumstances are barren and cold, we have closer access to the Son of God than at any other time in life.

I personally learned Solomon's conclusion today: To everything there is a season under heaven. I think my attitude next winter will be greatly improved, because of what I learned in PA and IL during the winter months.

Father God, thank You for providing Jesus to die for our sins, and to give us a regenerated life. We bask in Your love by Your Spirit during every season of the year and of our aging process. Remind us to look for Your leading and reasons for our life regardless of our limitations caused by our aging body and the restrictions caused by our living situation.

We want to glorify You when we have the warmth of the Son as well as the storms of life's circumstances. We trust You alone and we strive to enter Your rest through all the changes we experience in life. We give You all the praise, glory and honor as we adjust to new living conditions and as we thrive where You plant us and provide for our every need.

Thought for the Day:
When our days are filled with green growing things and positive aspects, we do not get the full brightness of God's Son's love peace and joy like we do during the frigid, barren times.