Friday, December 20, 2019

A Divine Intervention

red and white concrete house near mountain

A few years ago, I received an email from a middle aged man, whom I taught in Sunday School during his elementary school years. He asked me about a song I used to sing with my class. He knew that I wrote several of the songs that I sang with the class, and he asked me for the words to that particular song.

The song, that consumed his interest at that time, was called "Camel Train"; and though I did not write it, I did sing it often with my class (words below). I told him that I found it interesting that the Holy Spirit was bringing that song to his attention, because prophecy about Christ coming for His bride was almost totally fulfilled, and His coming could happen at any time now.

He had rejected the elementary teachings of Christ from our class time - in favor of satanic lies, humanistic worldly philosophies, and skepticism about the Christian teaching that Christ's eminent return was very near.

He mentioned that Paul's Biblical writings stated that Christ would come for His bride back in Biblical times, and he ended his monologue with the intellectually-driven, rote mantra of, "You Christians have been saying that for thousands of years; I just don't buy it."

I did not feel led to argue with him, and prayed for him instead. Then, last week, I got a similar email from him, asking again if I wrote that same song, and requesting the words, because it was continually running through his mind.

This time, I emailed the words to him without saying anything about Jesus coming soon for his bride. Then he asked me what the words were to my favorite song that I did write when he was a child. I sent him those words as well, praying all the time that God's Spirit would use these two songs to completely draw his heart to our Father God's loving heart.

I request that you join me in praying for this young man's future choices, and for his favorable response to God's gentle wooing of His soul to an intimate relationship with God's Trinity. He has lived an exemplary life in many ways, but he refuses to walk in God's ways.

His genius would be a great asset to the Kingdom of God in these last days, if he would indeed set aside His pride, and his rebellion against what he knew was truth as a young child, and totally surrender to God's call on His life.

Father God, I see strong evidence that You want this young man to respond favorably to Your call on His life. Thank You that our bond was never broken, and that You allowed him to come to me twice to ask for the words to this prophetic song. We pray that You will use these words and continue to remove the scales from his eyes, so that He can fully look into Your wonderful face.

We also pray that You will strengthen his inner being so that he can draw near to you (Ephesians 3:14-21), and to resist the devil's lies (James 4:6-8). We ask that he can clearly see the truth of Your Word, and the evident soon return of Christ for His bride (Matthew 22:1-14). We so look forward to joining You for eternity and to serving You with our whole heart, soul, and strength.

Thought for the Day:

'Twas a day in early springtime
by an ancient wayside well
Eliezer paused to rest his camel train
He had found a bride for Isaac
ere the evening shadows fall
for his weary journey had not been in vain

So he took the fair Rebekah
dressed in jewels rich and rare
quickly to her waiting bridegroom far away
Where Rebekah loved her Isaac
and he loved Rebekah fair
Oh it must have been a happy wedding day

Oh, get ready
the evening shadows fall
Don't you hear the Eliezer call
There's going to be a wedding
Our joys will soon begin
In the evening when the camel train comes in

Now the blessed Holy Spirit
from Our Father God above
has come down to Earth to find a worthy bride
For our Isaac over yonder
he's prepared his tents of love
and he wants his fair Rebekah by his side

We've left our kinfolk gladly
We've bade the world goodbye
We've been called to be his pure and spotless bride
Where we'll soon behold King Jesus
in that blessed eternity
What a happy, happy wedding that will be
(Repeat chorus)