Sunday, December 15, 2019

A Good Marriage - Sharing our Soul

swan spreading wings in body of water

When two people share their soul with one another - our thoughts, feelings and possible choices - a bond of compassion, trust and intimacy grows between them. Sometimes, we want advice to solve our problems.

However, at other times, we are simply asking from our spouse the validation for our thoughts, as well as sympathy for our feelings. Commiseration from the one we care about the most in our life goes a long way in assuaging us during our trials. Also, praying together about the issue unites our spirits as one.

God often places opposites together in order for us to complement each other, to strengthen one another's weaknesses, and to allow us to draw from our spouse's talents, wisdom and experience. At times, our pride will cause us to reject our mate's solutions.

We may also fear that our spouse will attempt to manipulate or to control our life if we take their advice or draw from their talents, education, experiences, and organizational skills. We may avoid revealing to them our deepest fears and insecurities.

However, we can reassure one another by cherishing, appreciating, and complimenting each other, as well as not taking each other for granted. Expressing the ways that we feel attracted to our mate will also encourage physical intimacy and a deeper satisfaction in our soul.

A good marriage depends on love, trust and loyalty. We live up to our commitment to each other and honor our marriage vows. We give assurance to our mate by wearing our wedding ring with pride, fidelity and dedication.

Gazing into each other's eyes as we convey our feelings of love and appreciation emphasizes the honesty of our words and gives our mate a feeling of reassurance of our love and the depth of our commitment. This decreases our fears and insecurity and increases our feelings of intimacy.

Gifts of our time, focused attention, shared moments, verbal affirmation, and planned dates together are as vitally important as an expensive purchase that we may think that we have to provide. These simple actions also pave the way to more physical intimacy.

Father God, teach us that intimate sharing that is designed to bring us closer, helps both of us to feel loved and appreciated as committed spouses. Remind us that shutting each other out of our thought processes fills our spouse with fears and insecurities, and that stress is always easier to bear when we carry it together.

Open sharing allows both partners to understand what is actually going on in our heart and mind. Help us to see that this tactic will displace the lies of the devil that grow in our mind and soothe any insecurities that plague our heart. Teach us that honest communication also helps us to resolve any conflicts between us. Mutual trust grows with intimate conversation, because it prevents satanic warfare from tearing us apart.

Thought for the Day:
Sharing our soul with our spouse increases our love and respect for one another, deepens our trust in our love, and cements our friendship that started the day that we met; even if we are upset with each other, we can accept each other the way we are, then both learn from these experiences and be humble enough to change some aspect of our self if we are the problem.