Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Our Rock and Fortress

brown deer

Even if our loved ones forsake us, the Lord will abundantly care for us and adopt us into His family (Psalm 27:10). When we feel isolated and alone, and in spite of the fact that whatever could go wrong inevitably does go wrong, God has a perfect plan for our life (Ephesians 2:10).

At times, our prayers seem to fall on deaf ears, but God always hears our cries to Him (Psalm 34:17). The Biblical account of Jacob and Esau leads us to believe assumptions and fears that God has favorites and indiscriminately picks and chooses whom He will bless and love (Romans 9:13, 15).

However, Jacob had a heart after God, and Esau was totally carnal and worldly. Yet, because of His promise to Abraham (Genesis 12: 2-3), God blessed Esau all of his life, as well as He blessed Jacob (Genesis 33:9). He will care for us as well.

We all spend our childhood exerting energy in trying to please our earthly father and mother. We try to make them proud of us. We endeavor to earn acceptance and affirmation from them. Even after a lifetime of trying to gain parental approval, many people never do.

We transfer this same self-effort in trying to earn God’s love. Whether or not our earthly parents ever showered us with unconditional love, we are fully acceptable to God the moment we repent of our sins and accept Jesus’ blood sacrifice for us (Ephesians 1:6).

The good news is that our eternal standing with God has nothing at all to do with our efforts, but everything to do with God's mercy, grace and truth (Romans 9:7-9, 11-16). The only factor keeping us from realizing true fulfillment, in this life and the next, is our unbelief (John 3:18).

Father God, help us to see that although our parents - regardless of their efforts, motives and motivation - may be imperfect in love, imperfect at parenting, and imperfect in every other area of life, they do their best, just as we do, as flawed human beings. You are the perfect Father, incapable of error on any level. Once we surrender our life to You, we are acceptable in Your beloved family (Ephesians 1:6).

As Your imperfect children, we are privileged to accept Your free gift of perfect love at any time during our lifetime (Romans 11:17, 8:17). You never turn us away, never stop loving us, and never give up on us. You never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5; Genesis 28:15).  Your love is bounteous, and You never tire of wooing us ever closer to Your generous heart.

Thought for the Day:
How comforting is the covering of God's feathers and His high tower in times of trouble; He is our only rock, salvation, and fortress, and as we trust in Him, we shall never be greatly shaken.
- Psalm 9:9; 62:2, 91:4