Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Eternal Results and Rewards

brown leaf tree at water during daytime

We often forget to consult God for His plans rather than making our own "to-do" list, or becoming a slave to other people's expectations of us. We fall under the misnomer of believing that we can do more than is healthy for us to attempt to accomplish.

We overly schedule our time and fail to plan times of rejuvenation for our self to have fun, to spend time as a family, and to design mutually enjoyable dates with our spouse. Nurturing the relationships in our life is one of the wisest activities we can accomplish.

Even Jesus realized the limitations of His humanity. He said that He could do nothing from His human resources. He never sought His own will, but the will of our Heavenly Father who sent Him to earth with a mission (John 5:30).

We forget that God has a perfect plan for our life as well, and we take continual detours from His path. We do accomplish good things, but we fail to walk in His will for our day. God's Spirit will orchestrate our steps though each moment of our day if we consult Him first (Proverbs 3:5-6).

In the process of obeying God's Spirit one moment at a time throughout the day, we may end up offending a friend or looking silly to someone we would rather impress, but we always look forward to the spiritual rewards that come from obeying the Lord

When we walk in the Spirit, we do not fulfill our carnal desires, and we bear more spiritual fruit, which provides us with a sense of fulfillment that far exceeds any pleasure we reap from following our own agenda (Galatians 5:15-25).

Father God, thank You for stripping us of the habit of self-sufficiency and relying on our human reasoning instead of on Your Spirit. Teach us to obey You regardless of the outcome, the circumstances, or the consequences. Draw us ever closer to Your presence within us. Teach us to wait on You and to obey Your Spirit’s leading each and every moment of the day.

Help us to keep our eyes on You, and not on what we see around us that needs to be done. We want to walk in Your light with the dawning of each new day. Help us to clearly see Your purpose behind Your Spirit's directions, even if the outcome is not what we expect. Help us to learn that our only responsibility is to obey You, regardless of how or even “if” the other person ever responds. 

Thought for the Day:
As we wait on His direction and timing, and do not depend on what we think is best, God opens doors for us that we could never imagine possible.