Monday, December 9, 2019

Christmas Magic

green grass field near sea under white clouds at daytime

At Christmas time, the earth's population sings traditional carols without paying any attention to the words. They give Santa the glory for what they call "Christmas magic" or "X-mas miracles", and he gets the praise for giving them the gifts that loving friends and family actually purchased for them.

However, the very word Christmas gives us the true meaning of Christmas. A mass to celebrate the birth of Christ. The actual day is debatable, but since we are going to honor Jesus' birth anyway, one day is as good as another.

Christmas carols are full of Biblical truth, starting with "The First Noel" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", which relate the fact that shepherds heard the first Gospel message from Angelic beings (Luke 2:13-14). "Away in a Manger" also regales us with the fact of His birth.

The words of "Little Town of Bethlehem", denote His birth too (Micah 5:2), and if we pay attention to these songs, we too can celebrate this beginning of our Savior's life on this earth. "Go Tell It on the Mountain" reminds us to share our faith and the truth of Jesus' birth.

Next, we have "O Come, O Come Emmanuel", which personifies the authentic Believer's longing for Our Savior and King to take His rightful place as Supreme Ruler of Heaven and earth. This song declares prophecies about Jesus - as the Rod of Jesse, the Descendant of David, His virgin birth and His name Emmanuel, which means "God with us" (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23).

My personal favorite is "Joy to the World." It is not really a Christmas song, because the verses proclaim the truth of Christ's second coming to sit on His throne with the government on His shoulders, and to restore order to our mixed-up, degenerate world (Genesis 3:17-18; Psalm 96:11-12; Psalm 98).

"God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" proclaims the power of Christ over demonic activity (Mark 2; John 3:16). "Oh Holy Night" is another definite favorite carol that reminds us that although not everyone will choose Christ as their Savior, every ear will hear.

So, the next time you hear a Christmas spiritual, pay attention to the words, and sing them from your heart in praise to our King. He left the glory of heaven with the sole purpose of paying the penalty of our sinful behavior as our pure and perfect Lamb of God.

Father God, Christmas is the season of the year when the focus of many is on songs about Your Son's birth. The sad part about Christmas is that in spite of their love for these songs, very few people will hear the actual words and believe in the Christ of Christmas (John 3:16-18). They are too wrapped up in the trappings of the season, and they neglect the actual meaning of it.

Impress on everyone the truth of the songs that we sing. Jesus will eventually reign and rule the world with Your authority, righteousness, truth, and grace that will delight the inhabitants of the earth. Remind us that we can enjoy this euphoria every day of the year by turning from our sinful lifestyle and dedicating our life to Your service.

Thought for the Day:
Christmas carols preach the Gospel of Christ every year, but most people focus more on the delusion of Santa's fictional powers, the glitz and glitter, and getting their wishes granted than on the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ that changes our life for eternity.
- Matthew 24:14