Saturday, December 21, 2019

Eternity Plus

shallow focus photo of brown wheat

There are so many blessings waiting for us in eternity with Jesus. John tells us that there is a crystal clear river flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb, straight down the middle of the Street of Gold (Revelation 22:1-5; John 4:13-14).

On each side of the river stands the Tree of Life that yields new fruit every month. The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. There will be no more strife and division between the nations under the rule of King Jesus.

God will heal all of creation (Revelation 22:3), which has been groaning for the revealing of the Sons of God since the curse began (Romans 8:19). When we see creation suffering in this present time, we realize the depth of the consequences of our sins, and we never want to sin again.

Jesus lifted the curse by His crucifixion and resurrection, and in eternity there will be no more sickness and death and crying (Revelation 21:4). There will also be no more darkness and night, because God's presence gives us Light.

Every aspect of the new heaven and new earth (Rev 21:1-3) will be blessed of God: sinless perfection, benevolent government, harmony among the nations, glorified Saints in an immortal body, etc. We will live in the atmosphere of Paradise once again.

As His servants we will serve Him, and we shall behold His gracious face forever. We enjoy His peace, joy, grace and forgiveness now, and that will continue on into eternity. His name will be engraved on our foreheads, and we will reign with Him forever and ever.

Father God, Your glorious riches are more than we can comprehend: gates made of one pearl, streets of gold, crystal river, New Jerusalem with mansion-sized rooms, etc. Your creation on earth is perfection itself, but when we realize that nature is groaning for the revealing of Your sons in order for the curse of sin to be lifted from the earth, we cannot even imagine the beauty we will behold in the new heaven and earth.

We look forward to serving You for eternity, for glorifying the Lamb who is worthy of all of our praise, for dwelling together with the hosts of angels and all of Your Saints, for being like Jesus when we see Him face-to-face, for living in Your very presence forevermore, etc. Thank You for Your plan of salvation that forgives our sins, and gives us the opportunity to live as co-heirs with Jesus of Your Kingdom that is without end.

Thought for the Day:
During the seven years of the Great Tribulation, God will destroy the decaying, corrupt cosmos in which we now dwell; and then He will create a new heaven and earth that will mirror His glory, giving a supernatural body and existence to authentic Believers for eternity in order for us to serve at His pleasure.
- Ezekiel 12:22; Matthew 24:43; John 3:16-18; 1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Peter 3:4, 13; 2 Corinthians 5:17