Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Good Marriage - A Supportive Unity

brown plant on body of water

Spending time developing a lasting unity in marriage is well worth the effort. Learning each other's love language, and cultivating an understanding of our partner's needs makes one another feel accepted, cherished and loved. We spend quality and quantity time together. ( )

We cannot nurture one another if we do not understand one another, and what we each need to function in our role, calling, ministry and union in life and in our marriage. We both compliment and complement each other.

A husband cannot care for or protect his wife if he does not understand her fears and insecurities (1 Peter 3:7). A wife cannot support and respect her husband if she does not take time to learn about his vocation and to notice and appreciate what he does for her.

Daily performing small acts of kindness, and making frequent big sacrifices for each other will ensure an exclusive and permanent relationship that will last a lifetime. This helps to discourage affairs and shuts the doors on ideas of divorce. The grass is rarely greener on the other side of the fence.

Our union is inseparable, and we delight in time spent together by having adventures and exploring opportunities to enjoy our community, state and surrounding areas. Together, we visit extended family, and we take vacations as a couple every year.

We understand that our union with our mate is the only option ordained for us by God. Our commitment to each other builds with each passing year, because we refuse to listen to the devil's lies or to entertain the draw of the world to be unfaithful to our spouse in thoughts or deeds.

Father God, we are never more fulfilled than when we walk close to You as individuals and as a couple. Through Christ in us, You change our nature from a carnal, earthly, fleshly one to a new character full of purity, Godliness and spirituality (2 Corinthians 3:18). You give us a way out of every future temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13), as well as Your wisdom, peace and joy.

You walk with us every moment of every day, giving us Your strength to go through every trial as You deliver us through each issue that we face (Philippians 2:12). With our mind focused on You, we walk in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). Our deepest affections are reserved just for You and for our mate, as we dwell together in unity and live a life of praise to Your name.

Thought for the Day:
When we focus on life through a carnal perception, we experience stress, anxiety, anger and many other negative emotions; yet, when we focus with an eternal perspective, we are only interested in God’s intentions, instructions and His inclusion of us in His plans.