Thursday, December 26, 2019

Help for Our Troubled Soul

green mountain under white clouds

We are often troubled to the very depth of our soul during our lifetime (John 12:27). We lose a loved one, our place of employment closes down, our church splits and half of our friends are gone, we lose our car keys and cannot find them for days, etc.

Life is hard and unpredictable, causing stress and discouragement at every turn of events. We struggle with trouble and trials, which continually flood our life. We find our self treading water just to survive.

Wave after wave of distress and betrayal wash over us. We are scorned, disgraced and shamed; surrounded by enemies. This breaks our heart and we feel helpless. We look for sympathy, but there is none; for comforters, but we find none.

Jesus knows exactly how we feel (Isaiah 53:3). As a man, He suffered from the adjustments of growing up in an Israeli town occupied by a foreign nation (John 1:10), step-sibling rivalry (John 1:11), the strain of false accusations (Luke 23:4-5), the stresses of making a living (Matthew 6:3), the pain of betrayal (John 13:2) and the sorrow of rejection (Isaiah 53:3).

He also suffered spiritual separation from our Father when He took our sin to Calvary's cross. This loss of God's presence ripped a cry of anguish from His throat (Matthew 27:46). He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with the deepest grief, just like we are.

At Gethsemane, Jesus pleaded for God to find another way to satisfy the penalty of our sins. Yet, even in the face of the horrendous crucifixion, He went forward with the Father's will, to bring God glory and to bring us Salvation and Eternal Life with Him.

Father God, we are so grateful that because of Jesus sacrifice for us, we will never experience the utter abandonment and rejection from You that Jesus suffered on our behalf. We want to follow Your will for our life, just like Jesus did - regardless of the suffering, how much it costs, and how long it takes.

We rejoice in the presence of Your Holy Spirit, who sustains us throughout our lifetime. When we come to the place of spiritual maturity where You possess all of our heart, we look forward to receiving Your abundant blessings, which bring us far greater joy than the fulfillment of any of our selfish desires. Thank You for Your protection, provision and perfection in our life.

Thought for the Day:
When we give God our life, and allow it to unfold according to His will rather than our own, He uses us as He planned before we were ever born; He changes our life, and those lives that He touches through us, by His indwelling Spirit within us.
- Jeremiah 1:5; 2 Corinthians 3:18