Friday, December 20, 2019

Perfect Love

gray concrete road top between green trees

Anything that affects our spiritual, mental and emotional well-being also affects our physical health. Hospitals and doctors' offices are full of people with psychosomatic (mentally induced) illnesses. God has a much richer plan for us.

Learning to love our self is vitally tied to learning to love our neighbor. The sanctifying presence of the Holy Spirit during each moment of our day does a complete work in our body, soul and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23?)

Having a solid, healthy sense of who we are in Christ, and of our God-inspired, unique individuality, allows us to enter into loving “interdependent” relationships with our family, our church and our community.

When we feel overwhelmed, taking time out to hide beneath the shadow of the Almighty allows us to seek refuge under His wings. We run to our secret place where we can honestly face the realities of our life and trust God with them.

As we ask the Holy Spirit for the wisdom, guidance and strength to step aside, we permit Christ to accomplish His will through our life. We live like Mary who allowed herself to sit at Jesus' feet, as we serve others like Martha did (Luke 10:38-42).

God wants our giving to flow from our genuine desire to serve Him, and from our choice to obey the leading of His Spirit. As we spend time with Him, God renews our strength, and equips us to perform the works that He calls us to achieve (Isaiah 40:31).  

Father God, remind us that allowing Your love to build us up in Christ's love makes it possible for us to serve others out of love, rather than out of coercion or codependence. Help us to see that it is not the amount we are giving that counts, but the process – serving from a cheerful, obedient heart – that really matters (2 Corinthians 9:7).

If You do not give us peace to comply with a request or a need, then remind us not to get involved, but to pray. Our light will then shine like a city set on a hill (Matthew 5:14). With Your hands sheltering our obedience to Your Spirit from the winds of guilt, shame and perfectionistic expectations, our perfected love for You and others can grow.

Thought for the Day:
As we sit at Jesus' feet like Mary did, we soak up God's grace until we are filled with His Spirit; this enables us to serve others from a place of faith, and to obey the Spirit who leads us by His peace from within.
- 2 Corinthians 9:7