Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Good Marriage - Relationships Restored


During a time of tension in any of our relationships, if we journal our disgruntled feelings, we purge them from our soul. This is an act of prayer as we surrender them to the Lord. While we wait on the Lord, rather than blurting our feelings out loud, we allow patience to have her perfect work in us (James 1:4).

The key to faithfulness in our relationships is forgiveness and apologies. Even if we were not wrong, we can apologize for hurting the other person's feelings. Humility puts our partner at ease and generates an environment for them to apologize for their own part in the quarrel.

Of course, they may never ask for forgiveness for the disappointments, abuse, broken promises, deep wounds, taking us for granted, rejection of us from their life, insecure life we experienced at their hand, etc., but God has us in the palm of His hand, and He will bless us in spite of their attitude.

If our differences of opinion with our mate are ignored, the issues will resurface with some future catalyst. They will also cause our feelings over this new issue to balloon out of proportion with the added steam from the unresolved conflicts of the past.

Sometimes, relying on God’s agape love is the only way to care for an individual in the absence of any feeling of human love toward him/her. The painful memories ease with time, but a restored dedication to the unity between us creates loving emotions in us right away. 

Then, our words will be as sweet as apples of gold in pictures of silver (Proverbs 25:11). Every relationship eventually experiences an argument. To protect the integrity of our relationship, we recommit our self to one another after every stressful event or time of discord in our life.

Father God, when we experience conflict in a relationship, please give us the humility to admit where we are wrong and to apologize for hurting their feelings. Move by Your Spirit to renew the bonds of love between us, and allow us to walk in one accord. Help us to develop a spirit of unity and cooperation that will be a light to our family and community.

Remind us that even if we are not at fault, we can apologize for contributing to the discord. The other person may never apologize to us, but if they do, this serves to reassure both of us of our faithfulness and love to each other now and for the future. If they actually never apologize to us, we can accept the fact that their fault in the issues between us is in Your capable hands.

Thought for the Day:
To restore our relationships, we start by submitting to God's efforts to heal the factions within our own personality; as God makes us whole and complete in Christ who abides within us, we find it easier to accept one another exactly as we are; then, conflict rarely arises.
- Colossians 2:10