Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Good Marriage – Complete Intimacy


Closeup Photography of Pink Rose Flower



Mental, emotional, and physical intimacy in marriage is of paramount importance in order to guarantee our union as a couple. It provides an unfathomable awareness of being “in love” and connected in every way to each other. 


Knowing without any doubt that another person genuinely cares about us is rewarding. Intimacy helps us to feel loved, understood, respected, cherished and appreciated. When our soul is filled and fulfilled, we can reciprocate these same messages to our spouse. 


We enjoy a deep assurance that our mate respects us and our impact in our union. We are proud of each other’s accomplishments in life, we value one another’s commitment to our marriage, and we pray together when making decisions that affect both of us. 


We enjoy each other’s personality, laugh together, and snuggle whenever we are in the same space. We feel compassion for our mate’s failings, and we speak encouraging words rather than to belittle, or to act with condescension in response.


We value each other in our life, and we are glad that we are together on our journey on the earth. We lift up our spouse and help each other, even while doing routine household chores. We strive to make chores easier and simpler for one another, providing a helping hand or tools that make the job more effortless.



Father God, remind each of us to truly yoke up in life in order to make each other’s load easier and lighter. Teach us to have quality times of prayer together and to pray for one another during our trials. Help us to change our focus about irritating habits and qualities or circumstances caused by our spouse, so that they no longer bother us. We want to leave these issues in Your faithful care. Help us to make a united effort to lift up each other’s burdens to You, and to follow Your chosen path for our relationship.


We also want to value our intimacy with You and with our spouse, rather than to pursue our own dreams, goals and aspirations. Teach us how to develop a genuine mental, emotional and physical intimacy in our union, and help us to build a positive, encouraging and relaxing atmosphere for each other in our home. Show us how to take Your yoke on our shoulders together, so we will have less stress and more peace and joy.


Thought for the Day:

When we know that our mate enjoys our presence in their life, this assurance provides us with a sense of stability, order, well-being and permanence; they may dislike certain aspects of our personality, habits or responses, however, they honestly do not want to live life without us.