Tuesday, September 29, 2020

United in Spirit

 White and Pink Cherry Blossom


United in Spirit with the Trinity of God is the greatest adventure that we could ever wish for during our lifetime. Actually experiencing the presence of God within us, comforted and led by His Spirit, and filled with the power and anointing of Christ Jesus, will change our lifestyle and thought processes forever.


Personal intimacy with God is an essential ingredient in our fulfilled life now and throughout eternity (Philippians 3:8-10). Humanism leads us down the wrong path for us, and almost guarantees for us an eternity separated from the presence of God (1 Corinthians 8:1-3). 


We can earn a multitude of degrees, yet never fully understand Biblical truth, nor will it guarantee that we enjoy the intimate fellowship with God that He reserves for all of His Saints. Nothing in this world is more fulfilling than having an intimate union with Christ in us (Colossians 1:27).


Ultimate truth is only found through a personal relationship with the person of Jesus Christ and in His Word. His truth sets us free from the lies of the world, our flesh, and the devil (John 8:32). Jesus is the only true way, truth and life, and when He sets us free from life’s chains and bondage, we are truly free (John 8:36, 14:6).


There is no truth on this earth that is more real than the fact that Jesus will one day govern this world in peace and prosperity (Revelation 17:14; 1 Timothy 6:15). Yet, worldly ideologies keep so many people from trusting in His wisdom, truth and reality (1 Corinthians 1:20, 2:21).


Trusting in worldly wisdom is as useless as chasing the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:17). Our thoughts rush on and keep us from entering God’s rest and enjoying His peace and joy (Ecclesiastes 2:23 1 Corinthians 3:18, 20). Jesus is the wisdom of God that comes to all authentic, Born Again Believers (1 Corinthians 2:24,30).



Father God, remind us that knowing Jesus in a profound union of spirit and soul gives us all of the spiritual wisdom, revelation and intimacy that is possible in this lifetime and the next. Thank You that He gives us Your purity, peace, gentleness, mercy and fruitfulness as He removes hypocrisy, unreasonableness, debauchery and the second death from our future (James 3:17).


Our worldview, perspective, goals and ideals change as we grow closer to You, and we understand Your plans for the earth and our world (Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel). We see Your hand in our life and in the world around us (Romans 1:19-20). Jesus took on the form of a man in order to accomplish Your plans for us all (Luke 10:22; Galatians 1:16). Help us to trust in His goodness and to adopt His attitude about life (Philippians 2:5, 3:15).


Thought for the Day:

Human reasoning is contrary to the wisdom of God, which teaches us the deeper aspects of God’s plan for our universe; therefore, rejecting human logic and clinging to Godly wisdom enables us to concentrate on the seen as well as the unseen aspects of a Godly life.

- 1 Corinthians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 4:18