Friday, September 18, 2020

Jesus and God are One


Yellow Flowers in Brown Woven Basket on Bicycle


The amazing thought that Jesus and God are one is often the topic of my meditation throughout the day. We know that the Trinity of God – Father, Son, and Spirit – is one God (Matthew 3:16, 28:19; John 1:14). Yet, Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. These two thoughts seem to be contradictory. 


From before time began or the earth existed, the Trinity worked together (Genesis 1:26-28). In the beginning, the Word existed, was with God, and was God. We know that the Word is Jesus, because the verses continue to explain, “the Word became flesh” (John 1:1,14). 


God is our Emmanuel (Immanuel), who became flesh in the human form of Jesus (Matthew 1:23). Jesus actually expressed His unity with God several times during His ministry and He used the words, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). 


Jesus, the Word, was fully God; yet, because the Spirit impregnated Mary’s seed, He was also fully human in every way (Hebrews 2:17). He shared in our humanity, so that by His death He could take back dominion of the earth from the devil, which Satan stole from Adam by using the forbidden fruit (Hebrews 2:14).


Another purpose for Jesus’ humanity was to be like Abrahams’ descendants in order to free us from the slavery of the fear of death, as well as to atone for the sins of the whole world (Hebrews 2:15). He did this as an example for us, in order to help us, who are also tempted, since He was tempted in every way that we are.


Yet, Jesus, the begotten Son, did not sin (Hebrews 2:18). We do not have to sin either, because Christ in us always gives us a way to escape every temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). As we consult Him each moment of the day, enter His rest, and wait on Him and the leading of His Holy Spirit, we see Him increase as we decrease (John 3:30).


Jesus explained that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him (John 14:11). However, He goes one step further and promises that in the day that we actually realize that not only is He in the Father and the Father is in Him, but we are in Jesus and He is within us (John 14:20), our life will change forever. 


When Jesus died, we died with Him, and our life is now hidden with Him in God. Christ is our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4). We learn to actually live, move, and enjoy His presence in us, because He completely fills us through our entire being with Himself (Acts 17:28; Ephesians 3:16-19).


Jesus made the bold statement, “You have seen me; therefore, you have seen the Father” (John 14:9). God was actually manifest through Jesus while He was in the flesh in this world. Jesus’ Godly power within us helps us to daily walk by His Spirit. 


Jesus was justified in the Spirit, seen by the angels, preached to the multitudes, paid our sin-debt for us, and eventually returned to His Heavenly Glory. Jesus is believed on by people through every generation from all over this world (1 Timothy 3:16). He is our worthy Savior and King.



Father God, we realize that Christ existed before Abraham (John 8:58). He created all things in both heaven and earth, including the rulers, powers and authorities, and He holds it all together (Colossians 1:16-17). Help us to realize that now, even though we still live on this earth, it is not we who live, but Christ - who loved us enough to endure persecution and crucifixion in our place. Thank You that Your Trinity actually lives in us and uses us to further Your Kingdom on the earth (Galatians 2:20). 


Help us to understand how Jesus is Your Son in the flesh, at the same time that He is part of Your Trinity through Your Spirit (John 10:36-37; Psalm 82:6). We honor Him as the human who is now glorified in heaven, whom You sent to serve as our holy, perfect Lamb (John 10:36). Yet, on the earth, Jesus did not feel any remorse about claiming His part in the Godhead, because, although He was a human in the flesh, He was also 100% God by Your Spirit in Him (John 10:38). 


Thought for the Day:

God is a Spirit, and He does not have flesh and bones; therefore, this seems to contradict the fact that Jesus and God are one; yet Jesus is equal in power with God, and He is the physical presence of the Trinity; then, as our Good Shepherd He is with us and in us – one Body of Believers through every generation from all over the world, and we can enjoy complete fulfillment in Him both now and forevermore. 

-  John 4:24, 10:16-30, 11:51-52; Revelation 5:9