Thursday, September 10, 2020

Taking Challenges in Stride

 Photo of Night Sky


Whenever we fall into temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13; 2 Peter 2:9; James 1:2-3), or if we experience some sort of trying circumstance (1 Peter 4:12-13, 5:9), we can find joy in these situations, because we realize that the testing of our faith produces perseverance. Perseverance matures and completes us so that we lack nothing that we need to serve God sincerely and with honor (James 1:3-5).


Jesus promises that we will have trouble in this horrible world, but we can maintain our joy by viewing the issues with the eyes of our trust in Him, rather than through the carnal eyes of our human understanding (John 16:33). He abides within us, and has our best interest at heart.


The storms of trouble fall on both the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45). Therefore, trials should not surprise us. We are either in a trial, just exiting some painful experience, or facing a future negative circumstance. Yet, the perseverance that we learn through each of them strengthens our faith and deepens our trust in God.


Since the Trinity of God abides within us, we never go through tribulation alone. If we yoke up with Jesus, rather than attempting to pull the load by our self, He makes our burdens easier to carry and lighter to endure. 


No pain or worry will overcome us, when we place our trust in God (Deuteronomy 31:8). He is our refuge and strength, and He is our continual help in every circumstance that we face (Psalm 46:1). He is in us, as well as all around us, every moment of every day. 


When we realize that negative circumstances are normal in this life, that God’s faithfulness to us is continual and eternal, that we can be a living example to those in our sphere of influence, and that we will bring glory to God by our trust in Him with our whole heart, these issues do not bother us as much as they used to.


Our circumstances are no surprise to God, because He saw them before He ever formed us in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139). We can take each challenge in stride as we pray without ceasing, walk in the Spirit, and allow God to use us as an example of a true Believer in every issue that we face. 



Father God, teach us to rejoice in all of our tribulation, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience, so that patience can make us perfect and complete (James 1:3-4). We can smile and breathe deeply with faith, rather than to tense up and moan with worry. Remind us that perseverance matures our spirit and strengthens our soul – our feelings, thoughts and choices. Faith in You keeps our body from illnesses caused by negative emotions.


Use us as a testimony to Your faithfulness and provision through trials. Like Paul and Silas, remind us to worship You, even if we are beaten, bleeding, and in an uncomfortable situation; so that others will hear us worshipping You, and we can provide You with an opportunity to win them to faith in You (Acts 16:25-34). We want to exalt You through each negative experience that we face in our lifetime.


Thought for the Day:

Even if we experience one wearying episode after another, and we cannot escape them, we can face them with faith in God’s faithfulness; this will enable us to mature spiritually, to adopt a Biblical viewpoint of our life’s encounters, and to persevere to the end through Christ in us; although He probably will not remove us from the circumstances, as we put our complete trust in Him, we will be amazed as He delivers us through them all, helping us each step of the way.

-      Colossians 1:27