Friday, September 25, 2020

Feeling Secure in an Insecure World


Person Standing Near Seashore Viewing Mountain Island Under Yellow and Blue Sky


Part of the security we need as humans on this earth is to settle the question of eternity. Some believe that they will recycle as another life form, some sorrowfully have no hope of a secure eternity, others do not really care what happens after this life. However, Born Again Believers have Biblical assurance that we will spend eternity with our King Jesus.


This hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) is connected with the sacrifice that Jesus made for the whole world on Calvary’s cross. Those who reject Christ sadly condemn themselves to eternity in hell (John 3:18), but that is their choice. Satan blinds people of this truth until they cannot or will not be convinced otherwise.


We gain our hope, not from God’s daily blessings, but due to His constant manifestation in us. As we consult the Lord through each moment of our day, we draw from His divine presence within us (Colossians 1:27). He walks in us and with us through our hardships, and He strengthens us with His might. 


We give glory to God in everything we see, say, do, feel and think in every situation that confronts us during every day that we live (Psalm 111:1), because He directs our steps as we walk in His Spirit, trust in His goodness, and rest in Him (Proverbs 16:9; 2 Chronicles 16:9).  


We dedicate our thoughts, words and actions to His service. We do them in His name, with gratitude in our heart for who He is and for what He does for us throughout our lifetime (Colossians 3:17). We serve Him with gladness with our whole body, soul and spirit (1Thessalonians 5:23).


Living in the moment guarantees that we will walk in God’s ways rather than in our own. We seek His will for our thoughts, words and actions. If we do not feel peace about a certain decision or plan of action, we wait patiently for the Lord, enter His rest and find joy in all of our circumstances.



Father God, help us to make You the priority in our life. Call us out of the darkness of this world and help us to glorify You in all that we believe, express and accomplish. We want to turn from our secular worldview and adopt a spiritual mindset that will lead us deeper into Your Truth.


Thank you for ordering our steps, so that we can find peace and joy in following Your way for us (Psalm 37:23). Remind us not to plan our own agenda, but to trust totally in You (Proverbs 19:21, 20:24). We do not want to accumulate useless possessions on this earth, but to pursue holiness instead (Proverbs 16:8).


Thought for the Day:

We find ultimate fulfillment and security in this life when we pursue God’s purpose for us rather than our own goals and agenda; we live in the moment and thrive in His presence through each one of them.