Thursday, September 10, 2020

Enlightened by Spiritual Revelation

Close Up of Pink Flowers


The mind of mankind is not equipped to figure out spiritual truths. Therefore, attempting to put God in a box, or lining up His power and majesty with what the world proclaims as truth is impossible (1 Corinthians 2:10). We do not discern God mind-to-mind, but Spirit to spirit.


He gives us revelation through His Word and Spirit, which can only be discerned and understood once our spirit, which is dead in sin from our birth, is brought to life and enlightened by salvation through Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:18). We come to see the reality of issues, which cannot be comprehended without His Spirit within us.


We learn through spiritual revelation those truths that we could not see though our human reasoning. Our attitudes, goals, mindset, and worldview change. We simplify our life and rid it of worldly clutter, which we accumulated over the years, both in our mind and in our heart.


We base our attitude and action on what we learn through God’s Holy Word (Philippians 2:5, 3:15), from nature (Romans 1:19-20), through Christ in us (Galatians 1:16, 2:20), etc. God’s Spirit transforms us by renewing our mind to have the mind of Christ (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:23). This mental renewal prevents us from lusting after sin (Romans 7).


Our outlook gives us a whole new stance on why we are on this earth, and sets our sights on Heaven’s rewards rather than earthly treasures (Matthew 6:19-20). Our spirit is regenerated at salvation, but the sanctification of our soul – our thoughts, feelings and choices – takes a lifetime to accomplish.


We continually see more and more of God’s character, fruit, and values exhibited through us to the world around us. We want to minister His loving care both to our self and to those in our sphere of influence (Philippians 2:3). We do this by depending on His faith and sound judgment in us (Romans 12:3).



Father God, help us to be a city set on a hill, rather than hiding under a basket of worldliness (Matthew 5:13-16). We rejoice as we see our old carnal flesh stripped away by Your Spirit (Galatians 6:3), and our soul is transformed from one stage of glory to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18). 


Remind us that we gain our identity from Your thoughts about us, and we strive to decrease as Christ in us increases (Galatians 2:20; John 3:30). Keep us from adopting an attitude of spiritual pride, but also free us from the condescending, belittling and destructive lies of the devil from events in our past and current life (Proverbs 23:7; James 1:26; 1 Corinthians 2:16).


Thought for the Day:

Fleeting thoughts often filter through our mind (Hebrews 4:12) – some come from God’s Spirit, some are temptations from our flesh, and others are satanic influences attempting to render us useless for God’s Kingdom; with Christ in us, we think righteous thoughts and pursue God’s will for our life.

-      2 Corinthians 4:7; Matthew 12:35