Saturday, September 19, 2020

God Works Daily


Selective Focus Photography of Pink Rose Flowers


I read a verse today that I never saw before. Does that ever happen to you? It is a delight to our soul, when something we read makes an impact on our life and causes us to rethink our thoughts and to redirect the path we are taking.


The verse that I read today encourages us with the thought that our Father and Jesus are always and forever at work in us and in our circumstances (John 5:17). The Word of God is relevant, powerful and able to teach us the difference between our carnal soul and our maturing spirit, and it also helps us to overcome our flesh and to consult God for His plans for us (Hebrews 4:12). 


As we trust in the Lord with our whole heart, refuse to depend on our human understanding, and consult the Lord for His will for each moment of our day, then He promises to direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). If we ignore the chaos around us, and take time to listen, God makes His presence known to us.


This allows us to exalt Him as our God and King, and praises pour from our lips for His constant presence within us and all around us. Each and every day, we see His blessings in our life, and we cannot help but to exalt His name forever and ever.


The Trinity of God is greater than we can ever imagine, and so worthy of our praise. It is wise for us to teach God’s Word to our children and grandchildren, and to exhort one another with testimonies of His provision and love in our life (Psalm 107:2). 


We share about his glorious splendor and majesty, and we inscribe in our journal a record of all that He does for us. This allows us to remember and to meditate on His wonderful works and great deeds on our behalf. Then we can celebrate His lavish goodness and exuberantly sing of His holiness (Psalm 145:1-7).


We do not depend on humanistic methods of protecting our self and our loved ones, and we do not employ the useless practices of worrying and stress, because they limit God’s power. Instead, when we utilize our faith in His faithfulness, it will increase His ability to bless us (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). 



Father God, thank You for providing us with prayer, praise, Your Word, and Your presence within us and all around us through the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. Teach us how to stop allowing human logic, rebellion and pride to raise itself above our knowledge of who You are and what You actually did and do for us all the time.


Help us to lasso all of our negative thoughts that threaten to destroy our faith in You. Teach us to eliminate their power over us as we choose to obey Your Word and Your daily direction in our life (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Help us to realize that Your Words are life and light to our soul; and doubt, worry and stress hinder us from daily walking in Your Truth.


Thought for the Day:

God loves the whole world through every generation so much that He willingly became a human being and suffered every obstacle and trial that we do, in order to save us from our self, from an increasingly vile and scary world, and from an eternity in the relentless torments of hell. 

- John 3:16-18