Friday, November 5, 2021

A Good Marriage - Mistletoe Marriage

Lightning Strikes


Mistletoe is a little piece of greenery and white berries that is hung in obvious, well-trafficked areas during the Christmas season. People who are so inclined will use it as an excuse to catch a quick kiss with a mate, special friend, or unsuspecting stranger. Christmas movies are full of references to mistletoe. 


However, a good marriage is full of Mistletoe Minutes all through the year. Not because there is greenery hanging from the ceiling, but because the love in our heart for one another overflows, and it finds an outlet to express itself at unplanned times throughout the day. These romantic moments keep our love alive.


It is the tiny, thoughtful, spur-of-the moment gratitude that we continually express to one another in so many creative ways, that keep a marriage thriving through one monotonous year after another. They keep us from taking each other for granted. 


Past traumatic experiences often rob us of enjoying the current moments with our special someone. These former encounters taint our viewpoint, kill our hope of reaching fulfillment with one another, and make us fearful of a repeat of that negative behavior. 


We may get to spend hours together at work, church events or community outreaches; but that is not the same as frequent quality time, and times of affirmation and focused attention that we really need. We also benefit from time to rest, play, converse freely, and to laugh together.


Let us make the effort to schedule regular times of play into each of our days - just to enjoy each other’s company. Sharing new experiences and going on adventures, as well as keeping one another company are also important in order to appreciate our mate and to view them through a relaxed mind and eyes. 



Father God open our eyes to see opportunities to make a renewed commitment to one another and to spend quality time to make sure that we give and receive snuggles during some part of every day. This relaxed time of focusing only on one another is vitally important to the health of our marriage, because these Mistletoe Moments make marriage fun and refreshing.


Remind us that making a genuine connection with our spouse is enormously important for a committed marriage. Teach us to support each other and to be one another’s “cheer leaders.” Help us to find time to do something fun, to chat about whatever comes to our mind, to explore new places and restaurants as we exchange viewpoints, to worship You side-by-side, to serve You in ministries together in our church and community, etc. 


Thought for the Day: Ideas for Mistletoe Moments …  

·      snatch a quick hug and kiss during the day, 

·      enjoy mutual hobbies, 

·      play board or outdoor games, 

·      study the Bible and read books together, 

·      spend time in nature – hiking, renting a boat, sitting on the dock of the bay, 

·      hide love notes in our mate’s pocket for them to randomly find during the day, 

·      find shapes together in the clouds, star gaze, etc.

·      explore thrift stores for treasures, 

·      cook meals and/or clean the kitchen together,

·      review old photos and share memories, 

·      buy bikes, and cycle around your neighborhood,

·      give each other massages, install a home spa,

·      email or text brief “I love you” messages during the day when we are apart, 

·      take college classes or dance lessons or learn something new together, 

·      chat about what you love about one another, 

·      explore small towns in your area, 

·      watch a wholesome movie together, 

·      install animal feeders outside your window and discuss what you see with one another, 

·      there is no limit to ideas… just use your imaginations, and listen to God’s Holy Spirit for His inspiration.