Sunday, November 21, 2021

A Good Marriage - Strengthening Weakening Relationships

 Green Tree during Sunset


It is easy for people to buy into satanic lies in these perilous times in which we are living. Ethnic cleansings, world-wide pandemics, promotion of depraved lifestyles, random acts of violence, lack of respect for others, prolific thefts of what belongs to other people, etc. are on the rise almost hourly.


It is hard to find positive, uplifting information anywhere in today’s society. We are sending and hearing more negative than productive advice and communication. We assume the worse and are becoming more cynical and sarcastic and even hopeless in our attitude about life.


We are skeptical and fail to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, and we make assumptions and sweeping judgments that are not based in truth. We readily make accusations and blame each other from hearsay, gossip, and in an attempt to shift the responsibility of guilt from our self. Accountability is a virtue of the past.


We often attempt a serious conversation with our mate, but their penchant to avoid the topic, which we are trying to address, leaves us exasperated and feeling disheartened. Sometimes, we even make decisions that benefit our self, but we try to explain and support our behavior by insisting we made the choice to benefit others.


Relationships often end because one or both parties are deeply sensitive and want to avoid the conflict of talking about the problems. We close off our emotions, refuse to settle difficult issues, and we withdraw within our self. We adopt a self-righteous excuse for our behavior or simply ignore the conflict all together.


Many marriages end in divorce or diminish into a partnership of convenience, rather than a loving relationship based on commitment and cherishing attitudes and behavior. We fail to mutually prefer one another or to go out of our way to support and show compassion and understanding toward our mate.



Father God, give us the conviction that our vows are ours to keep for a lifetime, regardless of the uphill battles we face in our relationships. If our mate is having an issue, help us to search our heart and see if there is any selfish, unfeeling, or combative attitude in us that is causing the problem. Help us not to deflect blame onto them, but to take responsibility for our failings or our indifference to their needs.


Remind us that what You joined together should never be broken (Mark 10:9; Matthew 19:6). Teach us to embrace our partner’s complaints and to search together for resolutions with a heart willing to change our behavior or attitude or feelings that contribute to their negative emotions or grievances. Teach us that we may need to form new habits, or spend more time as a couple, or give random notes, meals out, and gifts that show one another that we care about each other. 


Thoughts for the Day:

Simply spending some quality time together and having a compassionate and supportive attitude toward one another may change the whole atmosphere in our home, workplace, church family, or community. We are not commissioned by God to “like” anyone, but He does expect us to love one another sacrificially as He loves us.

- John 13:34; Ephesians 5:2; 1 John 4:11