Friday, November 26, 2021

God is Our Hiding Place

Landscape Photography of Mountains Covered in Snow 


Whenever I feel negative emotions, I go to my hiding place – under the shadow of the wings of the Lord (Psalm 57:1). Even when I am flying high on positive emotions, I often take refuge under His wings, just to rest, to hang out with Him, to spend time praising Him and sitting in companionable silence with Him (Psalm 91:4). 


The Lord truly is our hiding place. He protects us from the troubles of life by walking through them with us and within us. He surrounds us with songs of deliverance (Psalm 32:7). We find hope in His Word, and He serves as a shield to protect us from irreversible damage to our spirit and soul (Psalm 119:114). 


When we honor the Lord, we find compelling confidence for putting our trust in Him. Throughout our life and in every trial, we find solace and sustenance in His intimate union with us. He is our eternal place of refuge from life’s disappointments, losses, demands, expectations, and grief (Proverbs 14:26).


There is nothing that can come against us that will overwhelm us when we find our refuge in Him as our mighty tower against anything that attempts to steal, kill, or destroy our joy and peace in Him. We abide in Him now and always, and we take refuge under the shelter of His wings (Psalm 61:1-5).


His wings provide us with a protected life, and we find comfort, solace, strength, and power as we draw our stamina from Him (Psalm 63:7). As a mother eagle, He encourages us to fly by His Spirit, but He is always available to swoop down and catch us if we falter in flight.


Under the shadow of His wings, we find an intimate union with the Lord that sustains us and surrounds us throughout our lifetime. Walking in faith in the truth of this concept allows us to walk in peace through any storm we encounter, any pit we fall into, and any rugged terrain we experience.



Father God, thank You for keeping Your children as the apple of Your eye. Hide us under the shadow of Your wings and protect us from the adversity that satanic forces attempt to use to discourage us from trusting in Your faithfulness (Psalm 17:8). A life in the center of Your will keeps us fully satisfied and content.


We learn throughout our lifetime, of walking in Your presence, that there is no calamity that can overwhelm us, because of Your faithfulness to care for Your children. Show us the path into Your secret place and teach us to abide within the boundaries of Your shadow. You are our Most High, Almighty God (Psalm 91:1).


Thoughts for the Day:

In any times of trouble that arise in our life, God hides us in His high tower and in the sanctuary of His tabernacle. He places our feet firmly on His solid Rock of Christ and we cannot be shaken, nor shall we fall, even in the worst of the storms that life sends our way.

- Psalm 27:5