Wednesday, November 17, 2021

In Christ

White Clouds 

“In Christ we live, in HIM we move, in Him we have our being: we are God’s offspring (Acts 17:28).” This is a life-changing verse. Read it over again several times, until it fills your heart with hope, your mind with positive thoughts, and your choices with Spirit-led inspiration.


By believing in Jesus, we are God's adopted children, which allows us to LIVE, to MOVE, and to base our life IN HIM. These words of Truth are life-changing and our basis for a fulfilling life. Too often, we plan our life around our own goals, plans and enjoyment. We find happiness in most of them, but some of them add stress to our life. 


We fill life with activities that are good things; however, they are really the enemy of the best things that God has planned for us (Ephesians 2:8-10). The key to preventing this malady is to change our heart and mind from carnal pursuits – even the good things – to following the path that God already charted out for us. 


We resolve not to get off course by pursuing opportunities that present themselves to us, because we do not want to miss out on God’s ultimate plans for us. If we are so busy doing good things, we miss out on the best things that God has in store for us. We do not want to walk outside of His will.


We obeyed our earthly fathers who were human and full of as many negative issues as we are. We gave the reverence due to their place in our life, even when they did not deserve it. Yet, the Father of spirits is due much more honor than our earthly father, and He lovingly calls us into submission to His protective will for our life (Hebrews 12:9-10).


God disciplines His children, because He loves us; and this discipline proves to us that we are His children (Hebrews 12:7-8). He also delivers us from the bondage to sin, delivers us from the treadmill of a useless life, and He heals us (Isaiah 38:16). When we completely surrender our life to Him, even the demons must obey us in Jesus’ name (James 4:7-10).



Father God, You intended for each and every person ever born to reach out for You with every fiber of our being and to find You in all Your glory, unconditional love for us, and continual provision for us (Acts 17:27). We want to walk in constant obedience to Your perfect plans for our life by clinging to You. 


You are our whole life, our reason for living, our wisdom and comfort and peace (Deuteronomy 30:20). You hold the life of every human being in Your hand (Job 12:10). You even know when every sparrow takes its last breath, and you clothe the lilies of the field in all their glory (Luke 12:27-40). We glorify You as You nestle us in Your everlasting arms, give us our very breath, and keep us in all Your ways (Daniel 5:23). 


Thoughts for the Day:

Jesus is not ashamed to call us His family, because we are sanctified by Him into His family. His soul is bound up with ours as we pursue Him. In Him is the fountain of life; and in His light, we walk away from darkness into the light of His truth. 

- Hebrews 2:11; 1 Samuel 25:29; Psalm 36:9