Thursday, June 30, 2022

Combatting Depression

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Depression is a debilitating emotional response to anxiety, stress, hopelessness, grief, overwhelming issues, rejection, etc. This deep pit of desperation, which swallows us whole and keeps us captive to the circumstances that triggered this negative emotion, may imprison us in several negative emotions at one time. 


We find no joy in life because this issue is haunting our soul - our thoughts, feelings, and choices - from deep within us. We use every means humanly possible – from drugs to relationships – to free our self from depression’s grip but without success.


There is, however, one sure way to shake off the shackles of despair. If we commit everything to our Father God, trust in Him alone, and watch for the miracle that He plants in every situation we face, we will find a deep sense of joy that does not depend on happiness or circumstances (Psalm 37:5). 


God renews our strength, gives us His hope for our future, guides us along His path for our life, and brings honor to His name as others see us successfully traverse the adverse issues that we face (Psalm 23:3; Ephesians 2:10). As our good Shepherd, He leads us to green pastures, beside still waters, and through the shadow of death (Psalm 23).


Rather than focusing on our current troubles, we focus our attention on the things we cannot see at the moment. The issues in our life will soon pass, and we will enter new experiences, but those qualities of life that are not evident to the human eye or understanding will last forever (2 Corinthians 4:18).


God’s grace is more than adequate to sustain us through any hardship, and His power is showcased through our human weaknesses. We can actually feel affirmed in our limitations, because God’s power is enhanced as He works through us. No eye has seen or ear heard what God has in store for His adopted children who love Him and trust in Him alone (2 Corinthians 12:9; 1 Corinthians 2:9).



Father God, You hear us when we call out to You for help. You rescue us through all our troubles. You are always close to us and in us, especially when we are downtrodden, crushed in spirit, or heartbroken (Psalm 34:17-18). As we trust in You, we find new strength to face the issues in our life, and we soon untangle our self from the confines of depression and soar high as if on an eagle’s wings. We run through life without getting weary, and we walk on Your chosen path for us and never feel faint (Isaiah 40:31).


Remind us that we have nothing to fear or to feel discouraged about because You are always with us as our Almighty God. You strengthen us and help us all the time. You hold us in Your victorious right hand (Isaiah 4110). If You are for us, nothing can ever conquer us (Romans 8:31). Teach us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), and to come to You especially when we are exhausted or are carrying a heavy burden, so we can find Your rest (Matthew 11:28).


Thoughts for the Day:

There are only three concepts that will last forever: faith in God’s faithfulness, hope in His perfect plans for our life, and His multidimensional and unconditional love (Ephesians 2:10, 3:18-21; Romans 8:35-39; 1 Corinthians 13:13). In His love for His adopted children, God never gives up on us, never withdraws His care from us, sees us in Christ’s righteousness rather than in our humanity, and helps us to endure all things that we experience in life (1 Corinthians 13:7)


Addicted to Commotion



Silence discloses the hectic whirl of activity in our mind that we prefer to disregard. Noise and activity help us to ignore the chaos in our mind. We close off the nagging doubts, fears, wounds, and negative self-talk with which others, as well as satanic lies, fill our thoughts. 


We use this racket and bustle to blot out our pain from our consciousness. However, it is still in our subconscious mind and influences all our thoughts, feelings, and choices. The thought of living far from our phone, computer, social media, email, and Facebook messages horrifies us.


However, if we allow times of silence into our daily schedule, we give God time to heal our deeply planted wounds. Then, we are free from them forever. Silence allows us to care for our soul just as we care for those that God brings into our life. God’s peace rules in our heart, and we live in unquenchable joy (1 Peter 1:7-9).


In our quiet time, we read God’s Word and He highlights various verses that speak to our soul and free us from negative emotions, reactions, and beliefs. The solitude enables us to experience a deeper intimacy with God’s Trinity and to begin to discern His work in our soul. 


We access the power of His grace, and revel in His mercy that is new for us every single morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). God’s Spirit renews our heart, teaches us His Truth, and guides us in His will for each moment of our day. Our love for God grows as we realize that Jesus is our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4). 



Father God, thank You for giving us Your Word for us to meditate on throughout our day (Psalm 119:97). It gives us hope, direction, comfort, and fills our heart with confidence and an expectation of Your will for our life. We have no need to repeat a sound, or concentrate on our breathing, or visualizing sights, places, and sensations, because Your Word is powerful enough to break the bondage of our pain (Hebrews 4:12).


Jesus gave us His example of going to a quiet place to commune with You (Matthew 14:13; Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16). When we are still, we have the chance to realize that You are our God, and there is none like You (Psalm 46:10; Jeremiah 10:6-9). We wait on You alone (Psalm 62:1-5). Remind us that silence is our friend, and when we empty our soul of the chaos we collected over the years of our experiences, we make more room for You to abide within us. 


Thoughts for the Day:

In our times alone with God, we divert our thoughts to the importance of His influence in our life. We rid our life of the distractions from expectations, responsibilities, and busyness and focus entirely on Him and His will for us in each moment of time. We can never run fast enough to leave our pain behind us (Psalm 139:8-10); therefore, giving God an opportunity to deeply heal every nook and crevice in our soul will free us from that baggage for the rest of our life.


For a wonderful healing method see:

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Victory through Life and Death

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When we are Born Again by the blood of the Lamb, God's Spirit replaces the carnal nature in our soul with the divine nature of Christ (2 Peter 1:3-4; Galatians 2:20). He is constantly perfecting us by His Spirit who abides in our spirit. He takes away our desire to sin, and unrighteous living no longer appeals to us. 


God's Spirit helps our weaknesses and illnesses. He searches our heart and knows our mind; then He prays for us according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27). Prayer means to speak to God from our heart. Ritualistic prayers and formulas for prayer are unnecessary. God already knows our heart and wants to hear our own words (Ephesians 1:18). 


God also places His prayer burdens on our heart for the unbelieving people groups in our world, for the persecuted church, for those burdened by illness, for people devastated by the loss of a loved one through death or divorce, our unsaved loved ones, etc. Prayer prepares us for victory both in life and in death. 


Jesus removed the sting of death and gave every authentic Born Again Believer the victory over it through His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:54; Isaiah 25:8). In fact, there is greater benefit for us to go Home to the glory of Heaven than to continue living life here on this sin-cursed earth. Dying is not the travesty of life; it is the benefit of a life lived in Christ. 


What the world views as death is actually victory to God and is used by God for our ultimate good, because God rejoices in the death of His Saints (Romans 8:28; Psalm 116:15). We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture and He delights in us and rejoices over us with singing (Psalm 149:4; Zephaniah 3:17). Jesus prayed that we would be one with Him and with our Father God (John 17:21-22).



Father God, thank You that, through Christ, death is swallowed up in victory. We know that Your Holy Spirit works in our heart, until the glorious day when either Christ returns for His Bride, or we come through the valley of death into Your glorious light (1 Peter 2:9; Isaiah 60:1). Remind us not to limit You by our thoughts and fears, but teach us to pray the Biblical words, which Your Spirit inspires us with and with which He convicts us and heals our heart (Romans 8:26).


You unite us with Your heart and give us one way to salvation that we may honor You forever. This is good not only for us, but for our children who come after us (Jeremiah 32:39). Remind us that everyone will know that we are Your disciples because we have love for each other (John 13:35). Teach us how to trust You with our whole heart and to consult You for Your will in every decision we ever have to make (Proverbs 3:5-6). We live as a praise to Your name alone.


Thought for the Day:

Once we realize our human limitations, we will rely on God's Spirit to pray through us during our life and escort us through death to our heavenly Home in glory. Eternal life is knowing Jesus in a personal relationship and the one true God. Jesus prayed that God would keep those whom He gave to Jesus and to make us one with the Trinity of God.

- Romans 8:26-34; 2 Corinthians 5:1; John 17:3,11,22-23




Monday, June 27, 2022

Motivation for Kindness

 Free photos of Sunflowers


As we age, our short-term memory diminishes, and we make more mistakes and get distracted more easily. Some results of this are actually life-threatening, such as leaving the stove burner on, or placing a towel or potholder too close to the source of heat, or putting a lighted candle too near a curtain, etc.


We cause frustration, and sometimes even anger in those closest to us, because they get weary of explaining things to us over and over. We unwittingly do and say things that are hurtful, even though we have a kind heart. We constantly need forgiveness for our unintentional thoughtlessness and forgetfulness.


The lesson learned in living with someone with this natural diminishing ability is that when we are unaware of the root of a person’s words or actions, we may form an incorrect assumption and falsely accuse them unless we get all the facts before we jump to negative conclusions. 


We fail to show kindness and compassion, but instead we give in to frustration and anger. We are instantly offended rather than asking questions to see the motive behind their words or actions. We all have a bad day now and then and exhibit grouchy, judgmental, or hurtful behavior without meaning to do that.


Instead of over-reacting to them, we can ask the person how they are doing, or what is causing them to act this way. We take a cue from God’s Word and act like Jesus from our spirit rather than our wounded soul. God is merciful and full of grace toward us. He is not quickly angered, and His love is firm and continual (Psalm 86:15). 


As we yoke up with Jesus, we learn from His example and our attitude is lifted. He is humble and gentle with us rather than easily angered (Matthew 11:28-30). In Him, we find rest for our wounded soul – our thoughts and emotions and choices – in this weary world in which we live (Psalm 23:3). 


Giving one another the benefit of the doubt and choosing not to feel offended by someone’s behavior will preserve our love and kindness toward each other. We have no need to lecture others for their mistakes, but to accept them just as they are, and to pray for the Holy Spirit to convict both of us of our faults and to help each other to overcome them (Matthew 5:40-43).



Father God, teach us how to foster a habit of kindness by changing our focus about events in our life. We want to share Your love and acceptance with others in our life. Your kindness helps us to feel sorry for our departure from Your principles and to come to You for salvation (Romans 2:4). We honor and respect You as our Almighty God. We find rest in You for our soul (Hebrews 4:9-16).


Remind us daily to focus on Your love, grace, and kindness toward us, and to share this same attitude with everyone in our life (Matthew 7:12). As we meditate on Your description of love in Your Word, we see how far we must go to measure up, but we also see a chart to learn from and on which to fashion our future behavior (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).


Thoughts for the Day:

God’s love sets us free to love others, even when their behavior irritates or frustrates us. At times, we get disheartened at the intensity it requires to get along with some people, but God helps us not to get impatient with them and to encourage them instead, just as He has compassion and mercy on all of us.

- Galatians 5:13, 6:9-10; Ephesians 4:32; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Proverbs 12:25 


Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Good Marriage – Proven Keys to Marital Success


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Whenever we are tempted in our marriage to act spitefully, to pout, to withdraw, or to shout in anger, we can take a step back and look for something positive to focus on instead. Yes, your mate probably irritated you, hurt your feelings, insulted you, or stepped on “your last nerve,” but this person you married still has some of the qualities with which you initially fell in love.


Hate and love are two sides of the same coin. If we are tempted to feel hatred, we can always flip the coin over and do or say something loving. If we both practice abandoning our control and place it squarely in Jesus’ capable hands instead, we soon find common ground with our spouse on which to move forward.


Building a friendship along with our wedding ties and developing the habit of praying together about marital issues guarantees a lasting unity in our marriage. We share consideration, grace, and compassion, instead of expectations, criticism, snide remarks, and unrealistic demands. 


We are not competitors, but teammates; not rivals, but partners; not opponents, but colleagues. We are on the same side of street, not across town. We are not restrictive of one another’s time, and we allow each other occasions to be alone, to occasionally meet with individual friends, to have separate ministries in our church family, etc.


We are fluid and change with our partner rather than maintaining a rigid worldview and attitude. A key to marital success is to change our focus from obsessing over our differences to enjoying our similarities, and how we support each other with our strengths without forcing them on each other when we do not ask for help. 


This allows us to strive toward getting along rather than competing, or caretaking, or acting like we know it all. As we age, we continue to keep our love alive with consideration, a helpful attitude, playing together, sharing experiences, cuddling on the couch, getting each other a surprise gift now and then, or even jointly doing chores and duties. We pray together, and we stay together until one of us leaves earth to be with Jesus. 



Father God, teach us how to help our spouse feel loved, wanted, and that they matter. Help us to keep our mate the center of our daily focus, second only to You in our life. Remind us not to forget to greet and to say goodbye to our spouse with a hug full of warmth, and a kiss glistening with the promise of our return. Help us to see that affection is our second defense against boredom and taking each other for granted. 


Our first defense, of course, is to pray and to serve You together with our whole heart. When we are hurt, or need a change in our interaction, remind us to make a comment about what we appreciate in each other first. This gives us a good attitude and a positive way to ask for any changes we need in our relationship. By keeping You as our first priority in our marriage, we stay on the same page throughout our time together.


Thoughts for the Day:

As a couple, we support each other by participating in hobbies, chores, and ministries together, as well as to keep the spark of romance and playfulness alive in our marriage. While we are married, we maintain our union by taking note of the little things that make our spouse happy, and by providing those blessings on a regular basis. When death parts us, we look forward to spending eternity together in service to our King Jesus.


A Joyful Life

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Mindfully living in the present moment and enjoying all the blessings from God that He provides in each minute of our life gives us an eternal focus that brings peace and joy to our soul. Worrying about tomorrow will only rob us of this focus, destroy our serenity, and stop the perfecting work of patience in our life (Matthew 6:34).


Usually, the uncertain issues that cause us distress never happen. They are simply figments of our imagination, expectations from worldly influences, or lies straight from the pit of hell. We combat this conundrum by focusing on living from our spirit, which is where Christ dwells within us, rather than functioning from our soul – our feelings and thoughts.


Another issue that robs us of joy is negative “self-talk,” which comes from critical comments made to us in the past, current adverse interactions with others, negative beliefs about our self, trying to live up to the expectations of others, following the dictates of our flesh, or believing demonic lies that infiltrate our mind. 


Adopting an attitude of compassion and grace toward our self and believing what God’s Word proclaims about our worth helps us to access the comfort provided for us by God’s Holy Spirit. We can also learn to respond to our thoughts, emotions, and needs in the same sympathetic way that we show to others.


Getting enough physical exercise and drinking and eating fresh, whole foods changes our mood and keeps us physically healthy. Carbs, fast food, sugary drinks and snacks, fried foods, energy drinks, etc. give us a quick jolt of vitality, but the downside is the physical and emotional drain that follows this type of lifestyle.


We live in serenity when we journal our negative thoughts and feelings, care for our needs, encourage our self when we feel “less than” and insecure and embarrassed, and turn over to God anything that we cannot change (Serenity Prayer). 


We can also make a habit of caring for our self with the same commitment and dedication that we care for others. Looking for the positive side of every situation and trusting God to work out every issue for our good brings a flood of joy to our soul (Romans 8:28).



Father God, thank You for providing Your Holy Spirit to give us Your peace and joy throughout each moment of our day. Help us to choose people as our close friends who encourage and lift us up, rather than those who belittle us or drain our energy. You call us to love and aid everyone, but not to enable people or to surround our self with those who rob us of Your joy. Teach us the balance between work and playtime, as well as earthly pursuits and spiritual goals. 


Help us not to focus only on what we perceive with our human understanding, but to have faith in the unseen aspects of living in Your will for us. Remind us not to fill our schedule with busyness, or to isolate our self from others, but to follow Your Spirit’s direction for our time and activities. We are so grateful to have Your presence in our life and to know without a shadow of a doubt that we will spend eternity with you.


Thoughts for the Day:

Our joy comes from knowing God in a personal relationship, and our current circumstances have nothing to do with it. Concentrating on attaining earthly possessions, working toward worldly accomplishments, and surrounding our self with an overabundance of people and busyness will rob us of a true, deep, and fulfilling joy.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Prophesy Confirmed

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Nostradamus is a famous secular prophet that the world takes seriously; yet his quatrains are merely replicas of Biblical prophecy. These famed quatrains are written like a riddle, and they are hard to interpret until after the event occurs.


Lately, people are studying them in a scholarly fashion and finding possibilities for future events for the prophecies not yet fulfilled. When this man wrote about the end of time, he hinted at the annihilation of many people and animals on the earth. Sounds much like the Great Tribulation to me (Revelation).


God’s Word states that Jesus will rule the nations with a shepherd’s staff of authority and mastery, which suggests that some people will survive the seven years of the Great Tribulation. They will live in the Millennium with Jesus for 1000 years along with God’s Saints from every generation (Revelation 20:1-7; Isaiah 2:2-4).


Then, when God frees Satan from his shackles for a short period of time, satanic forces deceive some of those who are born during the 1000-year reign of Jesus as Shepherd, Savior, and King (Revelation 20:7). How can God be in their midst for that many years, and people not know Him and His Truth better than that?


In contemplating this conundrum, I realized that people also did this during Jesus’ first advent when he was born as an infant in a stable and then dwelt on the earth into adulthood for 33 years (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 3:23). He even performed many miracles to prove He was God in human form. 


However, so many – even His family - rejected Him then, as now, and even after the 1000 years of His initial reign as King over all the nations of the world. Biblical authors James and Jude were Jesus’ half-brothers who were finally converted after Jesus’ death, and their insight and wisdom come from those years in His presence.


Most people were as oblivious to Jesus’ miracles and teachings during His first advent as they are now even with His Bible available, as well as the converted testimony of His remnant of authentic Born Again Believers. Sadly, many unbelievers will be as blind to His power and authority after the Millennium as they are now, and as they were when Jesus walked the earth the first time. 



Father God, Satan’s deceptive powers are as strong now as they were when he led so many of the angels in rebellion, and as he was when he influenced Adam and Eve to doubt Your motives in the Garden of Paradise. This same deception will influence those on earth after the Millennium as well. This occurs, because You are insistent that every person ever born be given the privilege of using their free will to make their own decision to believe in You or to reject You (John 3:17-18).


Thank You for taking the scales off our eyes, and for giving us the faith to believe in Your free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. We look forward to living as part of Your Kingdom – with Your presence in and all around us - during eternity just as we do now. We thank You for strengthening our inner being so we could put our entire trust in You and live for You each moment of our day (Ephesians 3:16).


Thoughts for the Day:

Some people mock Christians because we still testify about Jesus return even after 2000 years. Their attitude comes because this seems like a stagnant assurance which never occurred. Yet, the Lord is not lackadaisical about keeping the promise of His return, but He is patient and loving, and He does not want anyone to perish into hell. He wants everyone to come to Him in repentance and faith in His faithfulness and to live with Him for eternity.

- 2 Peter 3:9





Thursday, June 23, 2022

Conviction or Conversion

Free photos of Butterfly


There is a big difference between Conviction and Conversion in a person's life. I want to explain the difference to you so you can decide for yourself if you have been convicted or converted. This makes the difference in your eternal destination. 


Satanic strongholds in our life may keep us struggling with our walk with God, but we may also be hindered because we do not have a personal relationship with the Lord through conversion. God’s Word shows us that believing is not enough. We do good to believe in God, but Satan also believes and trembles (James 2:19; Matthew 7:21-23). 

1. There are examples of people in the Bible who thought they were saved, but they never had a relationship with God, nor did they operate in His will instead of their own (Matthew 7:21).


2. Some people act like a Christian, but do not have God’s Spirit in them, nor does Jesus know them (Matthew 25:11-12).


3. Others have great ministries for the Lord, are mission-minded, and are always involved in community outreach and working to build God’s Kingdom, but they do not have an intimate union with Christ, nor does He abide within them (Luke 6:46-49, 13:25-27).


The law of the Spirit of life in Christ overcomes the law of sin and death in us (Romans 8:2). We can count everything as a joyous occasion – the good, bad, and ugly alike (Philippians 4:4-8). Jesus already overcame the world, so we can expect to see His hand in our life as well as in the lives of people all around us. 


God wants to control us from within as His Spirit reshapes us into the image of Jesus (Romans 8:29). We are conformed to the image of Jesus, the perfect sacrificial Lamb of God, and we lay down our life daily and take up His purposes for us instead (1 Corinthians 15:31).



Father God, thank You for continually growing within us as we mature spiritually through the divine life of Jesus. As Your Body, we are the joint manifestation of You to our family, community, neighborhood, associates, and the world. Remind us to actively pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-28), to call on Your name (Romans 10:13), to relentlessly seek Your face (1 Chronicles 16:11), and to live as a praise and worship to Your name (Psalm 63:4). 


We want Jesus to increase in us as we decrease (John 3:30). Your discipline of us allows the divine nature of Christ to grow within us. It also strengthens our body, soul, and spirit as we traverse various trials in our life. Jesus embodied the fullness of the Godhead when He walked the earth, and His Spirit now fills us with Your presence within us (Colossians 2:9; Psalm 16:11). Thank You that each day we exhibit more of Christ in us and less of our carnal views, selfish ambitions, and human reasoning and resources.


Thoughts for the Day:

No self-help book can direct us in the permanent changes we need to make, but the Bible is full of practical advice – especially in Psalms and Proverbs. God’s purpose is played out in our life if we are truly converted, and as we walk in the Spirit and consult the Lord in every decision we make. He changes our worldview, our habits, our personality, and our self-image as He fills us with the fruit of His Spirit.

- Proverbs 3:5-6: Galatians 5:22-23

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Hurting People Hurt Others

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God’s Word recommends that we love others as our self – even our enemies. In this self-centered world loving enemies is hard to do because it is evident, when we compared good works to all the crime perpetrated on us and others, many people do not love their self or anyone else (Mark 12:31). 


God even recommends that we pray for our enemies because they are probably wounded individuals. Hurting people, hurt other people. God makes His sun to rise on the evil people as well as the good, and He blesses the unjust as He rewards the righteous (Matthew 5:43-48). 


There is a saying, “Joy comes from a three-fold cord as we love: 
Yourself.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). 
(Don't forget to love yourself as you love others – Matthew 22:39).


Love covers all offenses, but animosity and unforgiveness stir up conflict (Proverbs 10:12). Love is a many-faceted concept (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). There is no fear in love, because God’s love perfects us and causes our fears to dissolve (1 John 4:18-19). Jesus loves us and set us free from our bondage to sin (Revelation 1:1-20).


If a husband loves his wife in the same way that he takes care of his own body, he is loving himself as well (Ephesians 5:28). Women function better in an atmosphere of love, respect, honor, and attention, and they give the same in return. When we have this reciprocal relationship, we mirror the love that Jesus has for His Bride. 


Jesus gave up His life for us, He sanctifies us, and He washes us with His Word (Ephesians 5:25-26). That is why His Word advises us not to marry an unbeliever, because holiness and light cannot form an intimate union with lawlessness and darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14-15).


When we honor the Lord with our life, we gain the respect and regard of most of those who know us. God’s Spirit exchanges His fruit with our negative personality traits (Galatians 5:22-23). Many of our family and people we meet is our lifetime trust us and are blessed by our single-hearted devotion to our God (Proverbs 31:10-11, 28-31).



Father God, none of us can imagine what You have in store for Your Saints who love You (1 Corinthians 2:9). Whether we live for You or die for You, we are Yours (Romans 14:8). You call us not to owe anyone anything except to love one another, and when we love, we fulfill Your law (Romans 13:8). Teach us to love You with our whole heart and soul and mind, and then how to love our neighbor with Your agape love (Matthew 22:37-40).


Thank You for appointing our governing authorities, even if they live contrary to Your Word, because we know that You use them for Your purposes. This gives us peace regardless of the circumstances surrounding their administration (Romans 13:1). We know that Your plans are not for evil, but to give us a hopeful future (Jeremiah 29:11). We trust in Your goodness and have faith in Your faithfulness.


Thoughts for the Day:

Although we have never seen God, His Spirit in us is our guarantee of God’s existence. God dwells in us and perfects His love in us (1 John 4:12). He wants us to consider how we can stir up love in one another, and to help each other complete good works for His kingdom (Hebrews 10:24). If we do not have love, we have nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2).

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Well-pleasing to God

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Jesus had the pleasure of hearing our Father say, “This is my Son in whom I am well-pleased.” That is a lovely goal to reach toward for us – to be well-pleasing to our Lord. Our works do not save us, but they are evidence of our faith (James 2:18). Our God of peace brought us from spiritual death due to Adam’s sin into a vibrant life of service for Him.


He is the Great Shepherd of His sheep, and He makes us able to accomplish every good work to do His will. He not only saves us, but He also called us for His purpose as well. He actually works in and through us what is well-pleasing in His sight, which gives us purpose and fulfillment in our life (Hebrews 13:20). 


He is our alpha and omega, and He will complete the work He began in each one of His Saints (Philippians 1:6-7). He brought us into the world, not so that we can accomplish our own goals and dreams, but because He wants to work in our life so we can carry out His purpose for us through the grace given to us in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:8). 


God proclaimed that David, son of Jesse, was a man after his own heart, because David desired to do all of God’s will (Acts 13:22). God also raised up a faithful priest who lived according to what is in God’s heart and mind (1 Samuel 2:35). In both these instances, these men fully surrendered their life to God.


They turned every aspect of their life over to God for Him to care for and to direct, and we can do this too. He lets us know exactly what He needs from us for His glory through our life. Once we fully surrender our life to Him, He directs us to do His specific will each moment of our day (Ephesians 2:10). 


In all our time on this earth, we accomplish through God’s Spirit within us what God planned for us to do on a daily basis before we were even born (Psalm 139:16). With our last breath of life, we can then proclaim that we finished the work that God created us to perform (John 17:4-5). We follow God alone, not the expectations of others.



Father God, we want to live like King David when he followed all Your will for his life. You created us to do specific things for You, and we want to fulfill Your plans. We recognize that You have a calling for each one of us, and we totally surrender our life to You to accomplish this work in and through our life (2 Timothy 1:8). Your calling is our path in life; Your purpose is our vision (Proverbs 29:18). We want to accomplish events that have real value and worth for promoting Your Kingdom in the earth.


Anything else we spend our spare time doing is merely useless activities (1 Corinthians 3:12). You give us a fulfilling future and a hope that transcends our days on this earth and spreads out into eternity (Jeremiah 29:11; Job 14:5). You call many to walk in Your ways, but only a few choose to do Your will (Matthew 22:14). You fashion our days for us, and the number of our days are already predetermined by You (Job 14:5). We live to give You all the honor and glory that is due to Your name.


Thoughts for the Day:

Most people would rather control their own life rather than to submit and surrender to anyone else – even to our God and Father. This prevents them from enjoying His fullest blessings and walking in their true purpose and destiny. He equips us to climb the highest mountains of trouble and to traverse the deepest valleys of trials, and He gives us His joy through them all.

- Hebrews 13:21

Monday, June 20, 2022

Our Resurrection Day

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There are so many prophecies that have been fulfilled in my lifetime that needed to come to pass before Jesus could come for His Bride. The world Council of Churches was established, Israel became a nation again due to the atrocities of Hitler against the Jewish people, and the European Union looks very much like the revised Roman Empire. This all happened at the same time - around 1948.


Over the ensuing years, the love of many is melting like wax and turning cold (Matthew 24:12). Churches close every day due to a lack of interest or a pastor. Each generation is getting more and more hardened against Christianity, the Church, and Jesus Himself. Morality is a thing of the past, and sin abounds.


People nowadays call evil good, and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). They believe fables rather than God’s Truth outlined for us in His Word (2 Timothy 4:4). They do not accept the fact that Jesus lives in His authentic Born Again Believers by His Spirit; although we know He is there and we see the positive effects of His presence in us (Ephesians 1:13-14).


I am rendered speechless when I consider that Jesus was born by God’s Spirit to the virgin Mary, and He lived a sinless life. He went about doing good during His 33 years on this earth. He performed miracles to prove to people that He was indeed one with God, the Father (John 10:30-36). Yet people did not see Him as God.


He experienced an excruciating scourging and crucifixion for our sins (John 19:1; Luke 23:33-43). Yet, people then and now refuse to believe that He is indeed our Messiah, the Savior of anyone humble enough to believe in Him and to receive His free gift of eternal life (Romans 3:23, 6:23).


Then to completely prove His place in the Godhead, He rose from the dead and walked on the earth for forty days and nights to appear to many eyewitnesses that He was indeed alive (Acts 1:3). He will eventually return for His Bride, but He tarries because He is not willing that anyone should perish in eternal damnation (2 Peter 3:8-10).



Father God, today is Easter, and I was thinking what a glorious event it would be if Jesus returned for His Bride today – resurrection day, not just the commemoration of when Jesus rose from the dead, but this would be our Easter too - the resurrection of Jesus’ Bride. However, even if He does not return on Easter, we know His coming is imminent. Thank You that we are crucified with Jesus already, when He died to pay the penalty for our sins; and we are also raised with Him to walk in a new victorious life (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:4).


We are so grateful to You that the life that we now live in this body, we live by Jesus’ faith that grows within us, because He loves us and gave Himself to pay the debt for our individual sins (Galatians 2:20). Thank You that due to Your foreknowledge, before You even created the world, You planned the redemption of everyone in the world from the first generation to the last, by the blood of Jesus, Your unblemished Lamb (1 Peter 1:1-2; Romans 8:29; Ephesians 1:3-6).


Thoughts for the Day:

Jesus said that no one but our Father God knows the hour or the day that He plans for Jesus to come gather authentic, Born Again Believers for the wedding feast (Matthew 24:36-44, 25:13), but because of the fulfilled prophesies, the rise of false teachers and prophets, the increase in frequency of natural disasters, the proliferation in technology, and the growing lack of conscience as well as the degradation of the morals of our society, we know that He is coming soon (1 Corinthians 15:52; Luke 21:25-28).



Sunday, June 19, 2022

A Good Marriage – Avoiding Divorce

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When people, joined by God in marriage, choose to divorce, there is understandably an immense amount of pain and brokenness, which affects the life of everyone in that extended family. Even the person who initiated the divorce will suffer grief. Financial, physical, and employment setbacks occur in both lives. The emotions in both parties and their families are traumatized. 


This may make no common sense; but in matters of the soul, it makes perfect sense. Our soul is divided into our mind, will, and emotions, and all three are negatively affected by a divorce. Psychologists will tell us that we all also have three ego states in our mind, called the Inner Parent, Inner Adult, and Inner Child. 


The Inner Child of both persons in the divorce will also experience shock and distress over separating from their playmate. Even if one person really wants the divorce for various reasons, their Inner Child will still feel victimized. Their childlike nature, which needs nurturing, feels abandoned by the partner they are divorcing. 


Undeniably, the Inner Child of the one filing for divorce will often suffer feelings of rejection and abandonment right along with the person with which they no longer want to live. There are many unresolved issues in a relationship, which cause the marriage to dissolve into divorce. 


Years of underlying problems, formerly swept under the rug, are hanging in the air between the two parties. They blame each other, and some spouses are not willing to take any responsibility for the breakdown in the marriage. We all have failings and idiosyncrasies, which may cause our partner to get weary and to wander. 


If we address these concerns instead of just giving up, we can both find alternative methods of action. An equitable solution that is agreeable to both persons will always improve the relationship. In humility, both partners can resolve the problems and allow God’s love to heal their wounds and to help them to accept one another just the way they are. He will strengthen our union, and also give us ideas of how to improve our relationship.


Truthfully, prior to any divorce, God’s Word encourages us both to forgive and to ask for forgiveness for the slights and issues we caused in the marriage. If both partners are willing, mutual forgiveness will heal many injuries, and may even prevent this drastic, unnecessary divorce. Then, there will be no more desire to separate, and the couple will joyfully end up growing old together.



Father God, our true fulfillment is found through service to You in our church and community, as well as in our marriage. We can serve our mate regardless of how we feel about them. In fact, we are serving You by serving them. This way we put our marriage in Your hands, relying on Your Holy Spirit to change us and our partner. You hate divorce and are not pleased with anyone who obtains a divorce without Biblical grounds for it (Matthew 19:9). Help us to bear one another's burdens and to fulfill Your plans for our life (Galatians 6:2). 


Remind us that no one is perfect, and every human being has faults, failings, and eccentricities, which get on our mate’s nerves. If we adopt Your advice and prefer one another over our self, we will humble our self, and have compassion and care for each other. We go the extra mile when we cannot find a way to meet in the middle (Matthew 5:41). We praise You for Your care for both of us, and You know exactly how we can resolve our issues if we will both consult You for Your wisdom.


Thought for the Day:

Divorce divides us from the person, which we thought would share our hopes and dreams and grow old with us, and it forces us into the death of a relationship once birthed in love. God’s Spirit is always available to help us to resolve issues together, if both mates are ready, willing, and able to keep communication open on both sides, and to make necessary changes in our individual lives.


Saturday, June 18, 2022

Mercy, Foregiveness, and Wisdom

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We pray the Word of God to discern the will of God for our life on every topic for which we could ever need inspiration and guidance. The Bible offers us an abundance of Spirit-anointed words that construct for us a basis for our prayers that are living, and powerful, and so sharp that they divide our soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12).


In today’s world we find much about which to feel concerned. Unless we hook up with God’s easy and light yoke, we may find our soul feeling weary, burdened, and even overwhelmed by the constant changes going on around us in every area of life. When this occurs, we can transmit our burdens onto the Lord (Psalm 55:22).


He sustains the righteous, and as we trust in Him with our whole heart, we have fewer cares and more faith in His faithfulness (Psalm 55:23). The only requirement to receive His aid is to humble our self under His mighty hand, so that in His timing and way, He can lift us up above every concern and problem (1 Peter 5:7).


When we ask Him, our Daddy God either gives us wisdom to deal with the issue our self, or to sit back and watch His miraculous and generous intervention on our behalf. He never judges us harshly, but freely gives us the wisdom we need to navigate uncharted waters (James 1:5).


If we ask for insight and understanding, and diligently search His Word for it as we would hunt for buried treasure, then we will realize that God is our source for every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). Then, we honor Him and learn from Him (Proverbs 2:3-6).


We boldly, humbly, and trustingly approach God’s throne to receive His grace and mercy in our times of need (Hebrews 4:16). He is rich in mercy, which is new every single morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). His abundant love knows no bounds. Even when we were still chasing after sin’s meager rewards, and even after the day we surrendered our life to Him (Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:4-5).



Father God, thank You for having mercy on us according to Your love, kindness, and tender mercies. We rejoice in the day that You blotted out the memory of our transgressions, washed us from our iniquity, and delivered us from our inclination towards sin (Psalm 51:1-2). We are no longer slaves to sin, but bondservants to holiness and Your Trinity.


There is no god that is fashioned by the imagination of people or self-righteous proclamations from egotistical, self-proclaimed deity in this world that is equal to You. You are rich in mercy, and You pardon our offensive behavior by Your mercy and grace (Micah 7:18). Thank You for our assurance that if we continue to return to You when we inadvertently transgress Your precepts, You will never turn Your face away from us (2 Chronicles 30:9).


Thoughts for the Day:

The Lord waits on us, when we transgress His laws, until we return to Him and wait on Him, because He withholds His judgment and is gracious and merciful to us when we wait upon Him (Isaiah 30:18). He no longer remembers the sins we willfully committed prior to coming to Him for our salvation, but He considers us righteous according to His mercy and because of His goodness (Psalm 25:6-7).

Friday, June 17, 2022

Walking with God

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Eternal Salvation requires more from us than a quick prayer over our conviction and guilt for our deviant choices and lifestyle. Repentance means to turn around and walk the other way from our former way of living (Ephesians 4:22-24), and to walk instead according to God’s principles that He lays out for us in His Word.


If we depend on our conviction and a quick prayer for our salvation, we are believing a lie from satanic forces that attempt to derail us from receiving the fullness of God’s regenerating power in our life (Colossians 3:9-10). Conversion means that we die to sin, and no longer pursue it.


The Good News is that at the moment of our conviction, we can step into true conversion by realizing that we are crucified with Jesus, our Christ, and stop allowing our body and soul – our thoughts, emotions, and choices - to serve the devil instead of our Savior (Romans 6:6; Colossians 3:5-9).


If we allow God’s Spirit to convert us from our former thoughts and actions, which war against God’s Spirit, we stop doing things that please the devil, and start living a life that pleases God instead (Galatians 5:16-18). We quit breaking God’s heart with our self-centered lifestyle and live to serve Him with our whole heart (1 Peter 1:5-8, 2:1).


We are not tempted by immorality or drawn away from spiritual maturity to immerse our self in decadent, self-centered, and deviant behavior (1 Peter 1:14, 2:24; Titus 2:12-13; Ephesians 4:31). We live and walk by the Spirit’s direction and pursue holiness, rather than ungodly impulses (Romans 8:12-13; Galatians 5:25; 1 John 1:6-7).


We no longer live according to errant desires, but even our innermost being – our soul and spirit – praise God and never forgets the benefits of living according to His plans for our life (Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 103:1-5). We study God’s Word, listen to righteous preachers who accurately proclaim His Word, and learn from its truth as we trust in Him to equip us to live a Godly life (2 Timothy 3:16-17).



Father God, You are our rock, fortress and deliverer. We place our full trust in You, take our refuge in You, dwell with You as our stronghold in a world that often frightens us, and exalt in our salvation that only comes from You (Psalm 18:2). Teach us not to conform our thoughts, feelings, and choices according to the dictates of this world, our flesh, or satanic lies, but to allow You to transform us by renewing our mind so we can walk in Your ways and in Your good, pleasing, and perfect will for us (Romans 12:1-2).


Through faith in Your faithfulness, we are not anxious for anything, but in every situation, through prayer and thanksgiving to You, we share our concerns with You. This results in us receiving Your perfect peace, which transcends our human understanding and guards our heart and mind every moment of our day (Philippians 4:6-7; 2 Corinthians 4:16). Your compassion never fails us, and Your mercy toward us is new ever single morning (Lamentations 3:21-23).


Thoughts for the Day:

Some people mock our belief in God’s imminent return to the earth because it has been over 2,000 years since Jesus promised to return; however, He has good reasons for taking this time. God is not bound by time as we are; in fact, 1000 years is like one day to Him (2 Peter 3:8). Also, He does not desire for anyone to perish in eternal torment, but that everyone will come to a place of repentance and enjoy everlasting and fulfilling life with Him (2 Peter 2:9; James 1:17).