Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Sharing Hope

Free photos of Pink


Have you ever noticed that if anything can go wrong it will? Nothing is ever easy in this sin-cursed world. Humans have a bond through misery. We can always find someone who went through or is going through some form of trouble, catastrophe, or health issue just like we are. 


We are all vulnerable in body and soul. Nothing is guaranteed. However, hope helps us to improve our coping skills, our soul’s well-being, and gives us more energy to adopt healthy habits. It helps us to mature spiritually and to be more flexible in life. Hope comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1; Psalm 146:5).


He is our source of joy, and He completely fills us with joy and peace when we trust in Him alone. His presence in us helps us to overflow with His confidence and hope because we know that He gives us every good and perfect gift (Romans 15:13; James 1:17). The inspiration He gives to us, we can share with others.


If we see someone sitting all alone, we can invite them to sit with us, or to join our table, or just sit next to them for a few moments to include them in the warmth of our sincere care. If we notice someone who is downcast, we can walk with them through their trial, regardless of how long it takes.


Just one smile and a gaze into someone’s eyes can change the trajectory of their entire day. One of the "cries of my heart" is to connect with a person’s soul, because their spirit is just a few inches away. Everyone has worth... we meet no strangers. They are all potential friends. 



Father God, we get our hope from You. It gives us strength and courage to face life’s difficulties (Psalm 31:24). The Lord Jesus gives us steadfast love, plentiful redemption, and loving devotion. We can find support and security as we place our hope in Him (Psalm 130:7). He is our hope from the moment of our trust in Him for salvation (John 3:16-17).


Help us to quiet our soul like a mother quiets her grieving child with compassion and empathy (Psalm 131:3). You are our Help and our Shield regardless of our problems (Psalm 115:9-11). Our joy comes from hoping in Your Word and Your promises (Palm 146:5). You give us confidence to walk in Your ways and to trust in Your timing (Psalm 71:5).


Thoughts for the Day:

If we suspend suspicion, criticism, and judgment, we can discern a person’s need and have more compassion on those that are hurting in this world. Jesus is their answer, their comfort, and their joy forevermore. They just have no idea that He loves them and cares for them. He can use us to be His hands, feet, voice, and heart to change a life.