Thursday, June 23, 2022

Conviction or Conversion

Free photos of Butterfly


There is a big difference between Conviction and Conversion in a person's life. I want to explain the difference to you so you can decide for yourself if you have been convicted or converted. This makes the difference in your eternal destination. 


Satanic strongholds in our life may keep us struggling with our walk with God, but we may also be hindered because we do not have a personal relationship with the Lord through conversion. God’s Word shows us that believing is not enough. We do good to believe in God, but Satan also believes and trembles (James 2:19; Matthew 7:21-23). 

1. There are examples of people in the Bible who thought they were saved, but they never had a relationship with God, nor did they operate in His will instead of their own (Matthew 7:21).


2. Some people act like a Christian, but do not have God’s Spirit in them, nor does Jesus know them (Matthew 25:11-12).


3. Others have great ministries for the Lord, are mission-minded, and are always involved in community outreach and working to build God’s Kingdom, but they do not have an intimate union with Christ, nor does He abide within them (Luke 6:46-49, 13:25-27).


The law of the Spirit of life in Christ overcomes the law of sin and death in us (Romans 8:2). We can count everything as a joyous occasion – the good, bad, and ugly alike (Philippians 4:4-8). Jesus already overcame the world, so we can expect to see His hand in our life as well as in the lives of people all around us. 


God wants to control us from within as His Spirit reshapes us into the image of Jesus (Romans 8:29). We are conformed to the image of Jesus, the perfect sacrificial Lamb of God, and we lay down our life daily and take up His purposes for us instead (1 Corinthians 15:31).



Father God, thank You for continually growing within us as we mature spiritually through the divine life of Jesus. As Your Body, we are the joint manifestation of You to our family, community, neighborhood, associates, and the world. Remind us to actively pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-28), to call on Your name (Romans 10:13), to relentlessly seek Your face (1 Chronicles 16:11), and to live as a praise and worship to Your name (Psalm 63:4). 


We want Jesus to increase in us as we decrease (John 3:30). Your discipline of us allows the divine nature of Christ to grow within us. It also strengthens our body, soul, and spirit as we traverse various trials in our life. Jesus embodied the fullness of the Godhead when He walked the earth, and His Spirit now fills us with Your presence within us (Colossians 2:9; Psalm 16:11). Thank You that each day we exhibit more of Christ in us and less of our carnal views, selfish ambitions, and human reasoning and resources.


Thoughts for the Day:

No self-help book can direct us in the permanent changes we need to make, but the Bible is full of practical advice – especially in Psalms and Proverbs. God’s purpose is played out in our life if we are truly converted, and as we walk in the Spirit and consult the Lord in every decision we make. He changes our worldview, our habits, our personality, and our self-image as He fills us with the fruit of His Spirit.

- Proverbs 3:5-6: Galatians 5:22-23