Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Humility Has Rewards

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Whatever we do each day, we do for the glory of God. We take no homage from others for our accomplishments because they come from the Trinity of God within us. If we do take the glory away from the Lord, then we already have our reward for a job well done (Matthew 6:2).


In a humble state of mind, we honor the Lord and gain His wisdom, instruction, and care (Proverbs 15:33). The Lord is always good and trustworthy. He even teaches us of His ways while we are still sinners (Romans 5:8). He guides the meek with His decisions for our life, so we live a more fulfilled and peaceful existence (Psalm 25:8-9).


A wife humbly submits to her husband as to the Lord, and a husband loves his wife as Jesus loves His church. They do not allow bitterness to rise up between them (Colossians 3:18-19). They are co-heirs with Jesus of the Kingdom of God, and we look forward to sharing eternity together (Romans 8:16-18).


In the same manner, we humbly welcome everyone into our church fellowship in order to witness to them, or to encourage them if they are already a Believer – the poor as much as the rich and famous (Luke 9:48). We do not meet strangers, but simply potential new friends.


We do not allow a person to join our church membership, however, if they are living a lifestyle of iniquity. They are always loved and accepted in our fellowship and Bible services. Jesus gives us a life of liberty – not to sin; but to live free from sin and its consequences.


Then, once they repent of their sins, trust in Jesus as their Savior, and start to follow His way for their life, we welcome them with open arms into our church family – regardless of their earthly status (Luke 9:48). We receive the poor and needy because Jesus loves us just the way we are.


His Spirit sanctifies us a little more each day, and we grow in holiness and spiritual maturity (Galatians 5:13-26). We give Him all the glory for who we are, what we have, and His blessings in our life (Philippians 4:20). He is worthy of our honor, glory, and praises because of His unconditional love for us all.



Father God, at one time, my life was utter chaos. I had no income, no home, no church family, and my immediate family was blown apart as if by a nuclear bomb. Yet, You are with us no matter where we live, what surrounds us, or what occurs in our life (Joshua 1:9). You used these challenges for Your glory in my life, and they taught me to depend totally and only on Christ, who is our only hope of peace and fulfillment (Acts 17:28-34; Colossians 1:27; Ephesians 3:16-19).


No matter what we face during our lifetime, we have no need to fear, because we rely on Christ in us rather than our human capabilities (1 John 4:18; Proverbs 3:5-6). Even if the most horrendous issue ever known to mankind comes against us, we have confidence in Christ abiding within us (Psalm 27:3). We have all our assurance in You, rather than in our self or other people, because we know that You work out even the most negative issues of life for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).


Thought for the Day:

Once we finally come to Christ, He helps us to clear our conscience of dead works. Feelings of unforgiveness, anger, resentment, bitterness, etc. melt away at His presence in our life. He also helps us to think of people to whom we need to ask forgiveness, and if they are willing, He helps us to make amends for the harm we perpetrated on their life and to forgive them for what they have done to us.

- Lamentations 3:40; Luke 6:31; Matthew 5:23-24