Monday, June 20, 2022

Our Resurrection Day

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There are so many prophecies that have been fulfilled in my lifetime that needed to come to pass before Jesus could come for His Bride. The world Council of Churches was established, Israel became a nation again due to the atrocities of Hitler against the Jewish people, and the European Union looks very much like the revised Roman Empire. This all happened at the same time - around 1948.


Over the ensuing years, the love of many is melting like wax and turning cold (Matthew 24:12). Churches close every day due to a lack of interest or a pastor. Each generation is getting more and more hardened against Christianity, the Church, and Jesus Himself. Morality is a thing of the past, and sin abounds.


People nowadays call evil good, and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). They believe fables rather than God’s Truth outlined for us in His Word (2 Timothy 4:4). They do not accept the fact that Jesus lives in His authentic Born Again Believers by His Spirit; although we know He is there and we see the positive effects of His presence in us (Ephesians 1:13-14).


I am rendered speechless when I consider that Jesus was born by God’s Spirit to the virgin Mary, and He lived a sinless life. He went about doing good during His 33 years on this earth. He performed miracles to prove to people that He was indeed one with God, the Father (John 10:30-36). Yet people did not see Him as God.


He experienced an excruciating scourging and crucifixion for our sins (John 19:1; Luke 23:33-43). Yet, people then and now refuse to believe that He is indeed our Messiah, the Savior of anyone humble enough to believe in Him and to receive His free gift of eternal life (Romans 3:23, 6:23).


Then to completely prove His place in the Godhead, He rose from the dead and walked on the earth for forty days and nights to appear to many eyewitnesses that He was indeed alive (Acts 1:3). He will eventually return for His Bride, but He tarries because He is not willing that anyone should perish in eternal damnation (2 Peter 3:8-10).



Father God, today is Easter, and I was thinking what a glorious event it would be if Jesus returned for His Bride today – resurrection day, not just the commemoration of when Jesus rose from the dead, but this would be our Easter too - the resurrection of Jesus’ Bride. However, even if He does not return on Easter, we know His coming is imminent. Thank You that we are crucified with Jesus already, when He died to pay the penalty for our sins; and we are also raised with Him to walk in a new victorious life (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:4).


We are so grateful to You that the life that we now live in this body, we live by Jesus’ faith that grows within us, because He loves us and gave Himself to pay the debt for our individual sins (Galatians 2:20). Thank You that due to Your foreknowledge, before You even created the world, You planned the redemption of everyone in the world from the first generation to the last, by the blood of Jesus, Your unblemished Lamb (1 Peter 1:1-2; Romans 8:29; Ephesians 1:3-6).


Thoughts for the Day:

Jesus said that no one but our Father God knows the hour or the day that He plans for Jesus to come gather authentic, Born Again Believers for the wedding feast (Matthew 24:36-44, 25:13), but because of the fulfilled prophesies, the rise of false teachers and prophets, the increase in frequency of natural disasters, the proliferation in technology, and the growing lack of conscience as well as the degradation of the morals of our society, we know that He is coming soon (1 Corinthians 15:52; Luke 21:25-28).