Thursday, June 7, 2018

A Good Marriage - Longevity and Success

Green Leafed Tree Besides Body of Water during Daytime

The longer we are married, the more we take our mate for granted. We treat them like a paycheck and handyman, or a housekeeper and baby sitter.

We forget to be grateful for the many mundane blessings that our mate provides for us each day. We rarely take time to chat, laugh, ride a bike or stroll in nature.

Thorns and weeds of discontentment take over our marital garden that was once filled with love, because we stop working at our relationship. Barbs of broken promises and resentment strangle the life out of our union.

We can turn around this sad state of affairs by fulfilling those promises we broke, looking for our mate's actions and attitudes for which we can express gratitude, and talking about and resolving our resentments.

As we age, an important habit is to flirt with each other and to remind our mate that he/she is still attractive to us. We can make time to play together, to watch a sunset, to chat while we ride together on errands, to grocery shop together, etc.

We can make a point to thank our mate for the smallest favor or kindness, and to compliment one another all through the day. Putting down social media and turning off the TV gives us more time for snuggling on the couch, or in bed while we say goodnight.

Let us never allow the cares of this life to overshadow the expression of love we have for each other. We love each other unconditionally, just the way we are.

Shaved or not, make-up or not, baggy clothes or form-fitting, tired and grouchy or interesting and exciting, etc. will make no difference in our devotion and commitment to one another.

We see the heart of our mate, and we realize that even when they are not at their best, he/she is still the best mate for us, because God provided him/her in His timing and way.

Father God, thank You for bringing our mate into our life. Teach us to dwell together in unity, and to serve You together all the days of our life. Help us to focus on You and Your will for our life, rather than on our mate's faults and foibles.

Use us to further Your Kingdom in our world, and unite us in body, soul and spirit, so that Your Light and Living Water in us will flow out of us to everyone in our little cosmos. Liberally give us Your Spirit, so that we can follow His directives every moment of our day.

Thought for the Day:
Taking time as a couple pays very high dividends in the long run, and showing gratitude and showering each other with compliments allows love to grow.